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The limo ride to school was mostly silent, except for a comment every now and then from Lafayette and Hercules.

"Ha ha," Peggy poked her tongue out at the Frenchman. "You're real funny, baguette."

She pinched his arm next to her and he leaned away, faking trauma.

"Ahh! Nails!" He cried, and the group laughed.

Angelica laughed with them.  Or at least, as much as she could without locking eyes with Alexander.  She found that a majority of the ride there he was studying her, his expression unfathomable.

Thomas always caught him looking.

Angelica wasn't sure whether it was for show, or an act of possessiveness, but as they began to reach the school, Thomas's hand suddenly slipped into hers.

This shocked Angelica.

She swerved to look down at their hands, and then up at him.  He was watching her softly, smirking.

"Smile," he said.  His thumb slid smoothly down the line of her palm, shocking her into further silence. "It's a dance."

She didn't have the instincts to push him away.  All she could do was sit there, stunned, watching him with silent eyes.  She couldn't look at Alexander.

In the end, she found that she didn't have to.  Once her hand slipped into Thomas's, it glued there, and didn't come out until they had reached the Main Hall.



The group instantly stopped chatting in that moment, turning to the direction Peggy was faced towards.  It was the Main Hall — only more colourful, and decorated like a birthday cake.  Blue and white streamers hung from lamps and mini chandeliers, while colourful lights scanned and circled the room, like a siren.  Students were standing, girls in colourful dresses and boys in tuxedoes, at the snacks table on the side of the room, talking and drinking punch.  Nobody was on the dance floor at the moment.

Peggy seemed to want to change that.

"Wow," Eliza said, smiling.

Hercules wolf-whistled.

"Guys, isn't this place amazing?" Peggy exclaimed, bouncing like a little kid.  She grabbed Lafayette's hand. "Come on! Let's dance."

He stared at her, "Moi?"

"Yes, you! You French retard," she poked her tongue out at him, still tugging hard on his sleeve, but he wasn't moving.  Her eyes drooped, hush-puppy style. "Pleeeeaaase?"

Angelica couldn't help but laugh at this.

"You heard the woman," she said, giving Lafayette a mock-serious stare. "Go dance with her!"

"Yeah, baguette," Hercules said, and shoved the Frenchman forward so that he nearly collided with Peggy.  Lafayette skidded to a stop and turned wide eyes on the lot of them.

"Ees this a joke?" He exclaimed, looking utterly betrayed.  Everybody was laughing now.  Even Thomas was looking on, an amused smirk on his face.

In the end Lafayette gave up, and allowed her to drag him onto the dance floor.  Peggy bounced into the middle, and snapped her fingers at the DJ across the room.

"Hey!" She shouted, hands cupped.  People turned to stare at her. "Let's get this party started!"

The DJ gave her a thumbs up, and pushed on a funky, 2018 song.  Peggy started swaying her hips and shaking out her hair.  As more students caught onto the music, more of them were dancing, until pretty soon more than half of the Grade was waving and swaying to the electric beat.

Secrets of a Schuyler Sister {Angelica Schuyler}Where stories live. Discover now