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An hour later, the two boys felt that they were better, and—after a long talk in the principal's office, negotiating their punishments—they were set free.

The whole gang had waited for them, despite how dark the night sky had grown.

"Uggh, I'm starving!" Peggy exclaimed dramatically.

"Pizza, anyone?" John asked the group. "I can work a shift tonight. It'll be my treat."

Peggy and Hercules immediately let out cheers and whoops if agreement, Aaron nodding humbly along with them.

John's gaze swerved to Alexander, Eliza, Angelica and Thomas, "You guys coming?"

Angelica turned to the other three, and watched them for a moment. They all seemed quite worn out and tired, especially the boys.  Alexander was still limping.  Somehow, she knew what the answer would be.

"We're okay," she told John.  A smile graced her face. "We'll see you at school on Monday."

John nodded, smiling back at her, "Okay.  Good luck."

He turned and hurried to catch up with the others, who were now threatening to break his car open.  He ran over yelling, and unlocked it quickly.

Angelica watched the car drive into the night, headlights flashing and Peggy's laughter being heard from a mile away.

She turned back to the three behind her, and there was a moment of stillness and quiet.

"Drinks anyone?" Thomas asked, the first to break the silence.  His hands were tucked casually into his pockets.

Alexander nodded, "I think we could all use a drink tonight."

Eliza glanced back and forth between the two of them, "What? No!" Her expression overflowed with shock, eyes wide. "Guys, we're underage."

"You're underage," Thomas corrected, following Alexander to the Jefferson car. "You're the only one underage."

This was true.

Angelica lay a hand on her sister's arm.

"Eliza, you should come with us," She said.  Despite avoiding alcohol as much as possible around her sisters, she felt that this time she really needed it. Needed to get away.

Eliza just stared at her, uncertain.

"Come on.  I don't want to leave you alone."

That got her.  Eliza huffed out a small sigh, "Okay," she smiled weakly. "I'll have a soda."

Angelica noticed Thomas glance back at this statement.  His eyes flicked to Eliza, curiously, before going sullen again.  He hopped into his car and switched on the engine.

"Nice car," Alexander noted appreciatively.  Angelica was surprised at how un-hostile his tone was.

"It was a gift," Thomas said, as Angelica and Eliza got cozy in the backseat.  When everyone was seated comfortably, he turned around and looked at the group.

"So—" Thomas said. "Any suggestions? Cause I have a few. Especially for the little lady over there." His eyes landed on Eliza, who looked away, blushing at her virgin choice of drinks.

"Just take us to the shots," Alexander replied, tired. "I'm sure all of us here have enough faith in you that you won't crash into a lamppost and kill us all."

"Dammit, Hamilton," Thomas muttered between grit teeth. He stepped on the pedal. "My reward for being considerate."

They spent a half hour in the car, awash in silence.  The dark cloaked over them, only brightened by the pale moonlight.

Despite the quiet and the avoidance of each other's gazes, Angelica felt at peace.


"Two shots of whiskey," Thomas said to the bartender, leaning against the counter.

Alexander heard this, and swerved to look at him.

"For real?"

"Come on," Thomas said back, locking gazes with him. "It's the least I can do."

Angelica stared at the two of them, completely stunned.  She stayed silent, taking a seat next to Eliza at the bar.

"And you?" Thomas asked Angelica.

"The same."

His eyes brows shot up, "Really?" He said, actually looking surprised. "Isn't whiskey a bit strong for you?"

Her eyes fell sullen, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Just that—"

"That I'm a woman?" She said. "Can't handle it, huh.  You think I'm weaker than you, is that what you mean to say?"

Thomas looked at her, stunned for a moment.  He turned back to bartender, and found that the stranger was trying not to laugh.

"Fine," Thomas drawled, fed up. "We'll just take the bottle."

"You sure, boy?" The bartender asked.


"You have any ID?"

Thomas moved to pull out his wallet, grabbing for his ID card.  Angelica watched as he did this for a moment.  She turned to ask her sister what she wanted, but there was a hard expression on Eliza's face.  Quiet and thinking.

I shouldn't disturb her.  She's been through a lot.

Angelica turned around to search for Alexander, but found that she couldn't find him in the room.  She caught sight of a shadow sitting outside, through the glass doors.  He had his elbows on his knees, and was sat down resting on the sidewalk.

Angelica felt an ache to join him.

She stood up, and walked a bit to Thomas, who was waiting for the man to get a cold bottle for them.

"Hey," she moved up next to him. "I gonna be outside for a while.  Could you do me a favour, and take care of Eliza?"

Thomas watched her for a moment.  He leaned forward onto the counter and stole a glance at Eliza.  She was still sitting there, still thinking.

"No problem," Thomas answered.

"Thank you," Angelica's voice was soft and brimmed with gratitude.  She smiled at him.

"Hey," he smiled back at her, and she was surprised by how happy he looked. "Anything for my princess."

"I'll always be your princess?" She asked, suddenly curious.


"Even when you find someone new?"

He scoffed, but his grinned stayed, "Come on—I have a big heart, despite how it looks.  I can fit tens of thousands of princesses in there, and there's a special place for each of them."

Angelica laughed out loud, "Excuse you! Where's the justice in that?"

They laughed about it for a moment.  When it faded out, she nodded.

"Well, at least," she shrugged, watching him. "At least I'm still there."

"Always," he repeated.

A smile pushed up her face again, widening so much it hurt.  She couldn't believe how lucky she was to have Thomas.

Angelica put her hand briefly on his shoulder, and then turned away, walking across the room and towards the doors.

She pushed it open.  Alexander was alerted to the sound, and turned to look at her, eyes large and shined on by the light behind her.

"Hey," he said.


Secrets of a Schuyler Sister {Angelica Schuyler}Where stories live. Discover now