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Helllooo peeps.
You will probably hate me after this chapter, but whatever 😬

Brace yourselves.
Here it is.


In the end, Mr. Washington's attention was called to the matter outside in the parking lot, and he came marching out like an Army General just in time to see Alexander swing a punch at Thomas's jaw. Thomas dodged just in time, and so was missed. But the teacher had already seen.

Alexander was told once more to meet the Principal inside.

Thomas was merely left with pats on the back as the crowd dissipated, compliments like "nice dodge" and "fast reflexes, there". And of course, Angelica's hand in his.

Lafayette finally released Eliza in that moment. But instead of taking off towards the school for Alexander - she came walking slowly to her elder Sister. She was no longer panicked or energised.

"Hey," she said.

"Hey, junior," Angelica said, straining a smile.

Eliza somehow managed to find a way in, and she took hold of her elder Sister's shoulder, "You okay?"

"Yeah," Angelica answered, too light and too cheerful. "But I have some stuff I need to tap in on ... stuff with Thomas."

They both turned and flicked Thomas a look, who's grip stayed tight on Angelica's hand despite the other world he seemed to be consumed in, with all his congratulations.

The sisters looked back at each other and locked gazes. To Angelica's surprise, all Eliza asked was if Angelica was okay, and a little bit about what had gone on.

"Oh, you know ..." Angelica waved her free hand, a plastic smile on your face. "Just stuff from History class. Those two are always mucking around about something ..."

"It didn't really seem like mucking around though," Eliza said doubtfully.

Angelica had no answer to this, apart from a small, "Yeah ..." to her relief, Eliza didn't ask anymore.

"So, I'll see you at home, then?"

Angelica nodded, "Yeah. Definitely."

She watched her sister walk away, falling into their eager group of friends, who seemed in no mood to go to Papa John's now.

Eliza's face was carefree as she explained to them what she was told. Peggy and Hercules nodded, accepting, but John seemed a little more adamant. Angelica caught sight of him watching her, saying her down with curiosity and suspicion.

You should be suspicious of me, Angelica thought, as she watched the Laurens boy finally hop into the car with everyone else.

The lies she told her sisters were becoming more and more.

The secrets left uncovered.

Eliza, how can you not see? How can you trust me so much?

Can't you see the difference? I used to tell you everything, and now ... it feels like we're worlds apart.


"Hey," Angelica called to Thomas, as people of the crowd went falling away. He turned to her and blinked, as if he was being reminded of her presence.

"Hey, princess," he said, smiling softly. "Like the show?"

"What was that?"


"That stunt you just pulled," Angelica's voice was loud and sharp. She tugged her hand out of his and placed it permanently on her hip. Thomas didn't stop her, just looked on at her with those same unreadable eyes.

Secrets of a Schuyler Sister {Angelica Schuyler}Where stories live. Discover now