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  Emir returned home with Zeynep. In the end she accepted to come back but she did it only for Poyraz.She need it to put him on first place before of all. To another place she couldn't go, her family for shure wouldn't receive her and also she didn't dared to ask their help. 

"You need something? You wanna eat something?"

  "No. I'm tired.I go to sleep" 

Zeynep left to her room. In that night Emir received a call from Mehmet telling him Ayhan and Zehir people catched theirs including Baran and unfortunately Nihan and Kemal got married. Emir was furious when founded.He throws the phone on the floor and layed down on the couch breathing hard. He was so tired of everything and of all of them...

  Days, weeks, two months passed. Zeynep already was on 9 month. All this time Emir resolved his legacy problems leaving, putting and blaming Galip for all. From the day when he founded his betrayel, Emir never went anymore to see his father.He didn't existed for him anymore. With his mother Emir barely spoked and with Zeynep...the things were mostly the same.. They were distant one from each other. Sometimes Poyraz kicked but Emir wasn't there. Once he came to Zeynep's room while she was sleeping, he put his forehead on Zeynep imense belly and talked to Poyraz. Poyraz moved hearing his voice and Emir was very happy, in tears.

  Now he was busy to claim his holding, to rehabilitate his name and holding more than anything else.

  Was a sunny day.Zeynep goes outside caressing her imense belly.She was wearing a long white dress.She goes to the garden sitting on a bench enjoying the peacefully air of morning.Emir was going out from his office sipping caffe when noticed towards the window Zeynep.He goes to her.Zeynep had her eyes closed caughted on the full peace.She didn't even noticed when Emir sit it next to her.

 "You need company?"

  Zeynep opened her eyes slow looking to him then she moved her glance whithout answering.

  "How is my son?" Emir caressed her belly. "Did he kicked you?"

  "Those things really bother you?I thought not"

  "Poyraz is the most important for me!Of course everything related to my son bother me!"


  Emir moved closer and kissed her belly.Zeynep smiled a bit.Emir stood wanting to leave when suddenly heard Zeynep. 

"Zeynep what is??"

  "Poyraz...he kicked me.." Both smiled. "Come you too..feel him"

  Emir went closer to her again and started to talk to Poyraz. 

"Can't wait you to come at life my short time..short time and I will hold you into my arms"

  Zeynep smiled happy.Hopes started again to increas in her.She couldn't wait anymore to see the moment when Emir will hold Poyraz on his arms.

  On the evening Zeynep was in her room.She was sitting on the bed dropping her earrings.Emir knocked and walks inside slowly. 

"I wanted to know if you need something..."

  "No...I'm fine thanks..."

  Emir walked with slow steps and sat next to Zeynep kissing her belly staying there for few seconds. "Good night son.." 

Emir stood to leave but Zeynep hold his hand. "You can stay here if you want..."

  Emir and Zeynep sleeped tougheter next to each other that night. Emir sleeped with the face on Zeynep's belly and with a hand was holding, hugging her waist. Zeynep smiled.She felt happy, at least in this moment.Her hopes again growed and she was scared of that..scared them to be killed again... When saw Emir felt asleep, Zeynep started touching, carresing his hair...

  In the morning Zeynep woked. She moved a bit Emir to stood up when suddenly she started to have terrible pains.She looks down and saw her water broked. Emir woked and jumped from the bed scared. 

"Zeynep what happened??"

  "Poy..Poyraz.. Ah..I think he wants to come to life"

  Emir was in totally panic. He yelled for his mother and Efsane to prepar everything. Emir took Zeynep to hospital.Zeynep was screaming constantly in the car.Emir tried to calm her.With a hand he was holding her hand and with the other the wheel. 

"Zeynep try to be calm ok? We will arrive in few minutes.Now we will arrive my little one.Be strong for our son Zeynep do you hear me??"

  "I'm tryinggg... Drive faster cuz I CAN'T BEAR ANYMOREEE!!!!"

  Emir arrived with Zeynep at hospital yelling at all to bring fast a stretcher.

 "My wife is giving birth!! A Kozcuoglu comes HURRY UP!!!"

  They took Zeynep to the birthplace.She was screaming for Emir but the doctor didn't let him in. "Be carreful! Nothing to happen to my wife or my son or i burn this hospital and all of you!"

  After more than 2 hours Zeynep was still in the birthplace. Emir was going crazy on the hall. Mujgan was there too. Both were nervous. The doctor walks to them..

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