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  Some days passed.Emir was invited to a party of a old partener of bussiness.Of course he informed Zeynep to go with him.Zeynep was layed in the bed reading some news papers. 

"And as what i will go there Emir?" Emir rolled his eyes. 

"AS MY WIFE OF COURSE!Obviously!What are those questions?"

  "I just asked..Anyway i don't know if i 'll go. You know i don't belong to that world"

  "I know little one..but i want you to come with me.You really want me go alone?Another one to catch me..?" 

Emir said smirking knowing like this will get in her nerves. Zeynep threw the newspapers away and went to him.Both were sitting in the bed. 

"Don't even dare Emir Kozcuoglu! Otherwise you don't even imagine what i'm capable of!"

  "I know will you come?"

  "When is it..?"

  "In two days"

  The two days passed.Emir and Zeynep arrived on the party. There was also Banu,thing which Zeynep didn't expect. Apparentely she came with someone who was dating now and worked also at the holding.Zeynep arrived holding Emir arm. Both smiling greeting everyone. Emir also presented Zeynep as his wife to the ones who didn't know her. Zeynep felt very happy about this. She knows in the end he will be able to do also the OTHER THING! Emir excused himself walking to the bathroom.Banu followed him going after him. Emir was about to close his pants zipper when suddenly felt a hand touching and holding his hard thing tight. 

"Ah..Zeynep..You are a bit horny tonight..Be patient till we arrive home.."

 Emir turned remaining shocked seeing Banu. "What the hell are you doing here?"

  Zeynep who was waiting for Emir to come went after him.

  "I can't bear it anymore Emir..i can't stop thinking on you..especially when i see you with Zeynep how you play this game just like with are with her only for the child.."

  Emir grabed her neck. "What are you saying stupid? Be careful how you express yourself about my wife! I already told you once! If you don't want to fly from my company!"

  "I don't care!I just want to feel you again!" 

Banu jumped to him taking Emir under totally surprise and kissed him invading his mouth with her tongue.The door opened and Zeynep remained shocked and froze instantly seeing this scene.

  Zeynep eyes filled with tears, anger. Emir threw Banu away from him.

 " not what you think.."

  "I don't want to hear anything anymore!You disgust me!" 

Zeynep ran away with fast steps.

  "Fucking bitch you just signed your end!"

 Emir told Banu angry then he ran after Zeynep.Before to catch her, Zeynep already took a taxi and left. Emir yelled her name but in vain. He climbed in his car calling Efsane to know if Zeynep arrives home to call him imediately. Zeynep didn't went home in that night neither the next day.Emir was going crazy slowly.Last night he went to Banu house threating her with death for what she did. He fired her anyway. Banu told him she did it because still loves and desires him. No one knew anything about Zeynep only Eda. Zeynep was calling her often about Poyraz and made Eda promise her, Emir will not find where she is. Emir heard Eda speaking on the phone and made her say Zeynep's location. Eda didn't had other way than to tell him. Zeynep was on a hotel.When she opened the door she remained shocked. 

"Leave right now from there!I told you i don't wanna see you never again!" 

Zeynep wanted to close the door but Emir push it, got inside and close it. 

"It is normal to leave FROM LAST NIGHT and leave your child ALONE whithout his mother??!!"

  "I was at current from Eda with everything concerning Poyraz!!"

  "Why you left like that whithout talking to me? Whithout letting me explain you all??"

  "THERE IS NOTHING TO EXPLAIN!! I saw everyhting already! How you were kissing with that woman!"


  Zeynep laughed.


  "You really see me stupid Emir?Get out and go to Banu or to any other whore!I don't want to see you!"

  Emir hold her shoulders tight. "I did not cheat on you.I would never cheat on you!What happened there was just a big confusion! Listen to me please!I went to bathroom and i felt a hand on me, i swear i believed it was you,and then when i turned back she kissed me too fast,all happened to fast and just in that moment you got inside!"


  "If i wouldn't come what would happened? Huh? You would sleeped with that women, in that place ?? You are so jerk Emir!"

  "ZEYNEPP!!! I wasn't with any other women since i was with you remember..from the moment you was mine for the second time in the old house..?! I wasn't with another women since then! ONLY WITH YOU! Why would i cheat you now, why, when we get along so well ! Has no meaning, think about it!"

  Zeynep was confused, about his words of not being with any other women apart of her from that night of 3 years ago.

 "I don't know Emir.. The picture of seeing you with that women..will not go out from my mind."

  "I'll kill her! I swear i'll kill her! Anyway i fired her! I have nothing to do with her..Seriously.."

  Zeynep let a bit the guard down and Emir noticed. 

"Let's go home little one.. Poyraz miss too...."

  Zeynep looked at him shocked. "Did you missed me..?" 

"I thought i'll go crazy..."


  "Because of you.."

  "Why would you go crazy because of me...?" Zeynep walked towards him making Emir took steps backwards.

  "Because...because i can't stay whithout you..." 

Zeynep looked at him with thirsty eyes and breaked his shirt licking his chest quick, sensually. Emir growled. Zeynep grabed his head making him look at her. 

"You are only mine Emir Kozcuoglu!" Zeynep licked his lips.

 "ONLY MINE ! No other women apart of me can't touch you otherwise..i'll kill her..and i'll kill you!!" 

Emir smiled and pulled his hand in her hair. They were sticked to the wall now. Zeynep took off his belt and undressed her in front of him also him too. Emir grabbed her in his arms by putting her legs around his waist and sticking her to the wall entering inside her whithout warning, hard, rough.. Both pulled out terrible moans..

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