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  Three months passed. Zeynep was standing all the time with Poyraz. Poyraz was already used to the house and with the people from in. Eda and Mujgan were standing also mostly time with Poyraz. Emir almost left to holding.He loved his son more than anything else and was difficult for him to be separated from Poyraz. Emir and Zeynep were getting well although in the intimacy were like  two strangers.They were still staying in different rooms. Zeynep was dying with missing him. She wasn still loving him,madly. What she was feeling for him never dissapeared and was suffering because they aren't a true husband and wife.. Was like Emir was keeping her in the house just as the mother of their children and that was hurting her so much. She understood she as women doesn't mean nothing for him and this was hurting her so much. She was suffering in silence like usually. At least she was thankfull seeing Emir always with Poyraz, at least their son was important for him and that was enough for her.

  "Eda you take care few hours of Poyraz please.. I need to go"

  "Yes sure. A pleasure to stay with Poyraz. You know i adore him"

  "Fine .Thank you very much"

  Zeynep left to the house of her parents with the risk to be dropped out but she was missing them too much. Zeynep knocked on the door, Fehime open it. Both burst into tears. Zeynep jumped hugging her mother very strong. "Mother mother I missed you so muchh!!!"

  "Me too my dear baby!! Come in.."

  "But father.."

  "He's not home..come come in" 

Fehime prepared Zeynep's favorite food and while she was eating she talked to her mother about Poyraz. Fehime smiled, happy in tears. 

"My baby..I'm so happy for your child..I hope he looks like you..not like that devil..By the way how you get with him, i'm surprised he didn't tried nothing again against your brother.."

  "Mother listen me..Emir really started changing for Poyraz .You don't have idea how much he loves him, he can do anything for him"

  " least that.Is his son after all..But you my you are..?"

  "I'am fine.I have Poyraz and I'm the happiest.."

  "Only that.. That man.. How he behaves with you..? Are you happy Zeynep..? Not as mother.. As women..?  Have changed..?"

  Zeynep didn't answered, only had tears on her eyes. "Mother...It's enough he respect me. I'm the mother of his child..."

  "You are not happy with him as women Zeynep....You are not.." Fehime had tears on eyes.  Zeynep breathed hard. "All what matters now for me is my child mother. Btw let me show it him to you. Look i have hundred pictures with him on the phone when he's sleeping, when he laughs."

  Fehime smiled with tears. "Ah my baby he is superbe!!!He looks like you but also like him.." Both laughed.

  "Eda where is Zeynep?"

  "She left few hours ago saying has something to do"

  Emir looked dubious. "My son?"

  "In his room with Mujgan madam.I came to prepar his milk"

  "Ok.Bring it in the room,I will feed him."

 Emir founded his son in Mujgan's arms. "My son,what's up you missed papa?" Emir took Poyraz on his arms and kissed his forehead inhaling his smell. "I missed you too very much.You don't have idea"

  "I'm so happy seeing you like this son..With your son on your arms..."

  "Mother, where is Zeynep?"

  "I don't know son.Eda told me she left hours ago."

  "Mom I need to leave.It's too late already and I miss Poyraz."

  "Yes my daughter,go,go..Thank you for the photos.How i wish to see him.."

  "Come tomorrow to us.You can see him"

  "No my daughter..I will not put my foot on that house"

  "Look what we gonna do then..Tomorrow I will come with Poyraz"

  "Really my daughter?"

  "Sure mother.Now i have to leave.I love you very much"

  "Me too my daughter.Take care of you!"

  "You too"

  Zeynep arrived home and went to Poyraz room. She found him sleeping, kissed his forehead then left. Next day Zeynep left with Poyraz at her parents.What she didn't know is that Emir put Mehmet to follow her.When Mehmet told him where she is and also having Poyraz with her, Emir went crazy.

  Fehime bursted into tears when saw Poyraz.She took him into her arms kissing him.Husseyin also arrived home and in the moment he saw Zeynep didn't pleased him but all dissapeared when saw Poyraz. After some hours, Zeynep left with Poyraz remaining in good termens with her parents.She doesn't know if her father forgived her but was making her feel good the way he behaved today with her and also seeing him so happy after knowing Poyraz.

  Zeynep arrived home.She feed and then put Poyraz to sleep.After, she went to her room.When opened the light she got scared seeing Emir standing in the couch from the window very angry.

  "Emir.. You scared me..What are you doing here?"

  Emir stood up suddenly.He was very angry. "You have any reason to be scared..?"

  "No..Only.. Emir what it is with you?"

  "I'll make the questions in this moment and I want answeres from you. Where have you been today?"

  Zeynep realised Emir knows everything already. For sure he put someone to follow her. Zeynep answered him looking into his eyes. "At my parents's house!"

  "With my child!"

  "Is my child too!"

  "How did you dare Zeynep taking my son in that house huh?"

  "EXCUSE ME? THAT is the house in which i grow and lived ! Poyraz is also my child and I can take him wherever I want ! I wanted my parents to know their grandchild, what's wrong on it?!"

  "I don't want any Soydere touch my child!"

  "Guess what Emir, I'am also a Soydere!"

  "You aren't anymore ! You are a Kozcuoglu now!"

  "Only in papers!!"

  "You are the mother of my child, you are the wife of Emir Kozcuoglu. You are a Kozcuoglu now ! Accept it!"

  "I'm only the mother of your child Emir, only this!"

  "You are also my wife!"

  "Only in papers, only there!" Zeynep had tears in her eyes and Emir noticed that. He realized what was the thing which really disturbed Zeynep.That she whished to be more than that.. Emir started touching her face. Zeynep trembled at his touch. Emir noticed.He was carresing her face with his both hands approaching his face to hers that now their lips almost touched. "You are MY wife, the mother of MY child ! Next time when will you want to do what you did today, you'd better let me know !"

  Zeynep felt was burning.She desired him so much. Emir let her go and left leaving Zeynep shivering all..

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