Soul Mate (Roman x Virgil)

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No P.O.V.

Virgil was sitting in the back of the classroom waiting for the bell to ring, he had almost survived another day of Hell but he still had a LONG dreaded walk home; in the rain. Of all the days he wasn't able to get a ride it HAD to rain. 

Why does this stuff always happen to me, for once couldn't it happen to someone else and I could get a break?

While Virgil had been off in thought he was scratching his arm without even realizing.

"Mr. Sanders I do believe you need a bandage." The teacher said looking at his bleeding arm, Virgil looked down and insistently get light headed and very hot. The noise of the class laughing at him didn't even phase him, he had heard it so many times before it was like silence.

"Ummm... Yeah, thanks?" The teacher just shook their head and handed him a Bandage. He looked back at the clock and seen it was nearly 30 seconds before it went off, he grabbed his stuff and was ready to jump not wanted to be in any hallway traffic; just as he never wanted any day. The bell rang and he was off, trying his best to beat everyone out. He managed to but he still had that long walk home. Virgil quickly pulled out his headphones and phones and turned on MCR, as he had done many times before. The song that played was one of his favorites, Dead. Pulling up his hood, shoved his hands into his pockets and paced home.

"I'm home!" He yelled to no one with fake happiness he was, sadly, too familiar with. He walked to his room, soaked, grabbed a towel and sat at his desk. In the corner of his eye, he saw that date, the one he dreaded so much, every so much. That one date that told you, your one year closer to death! He looks at it again. No, No, No, No, No... No, my 16th Birthday. I can't even deal with myself, add another it will be tragic. No, No, No, NO!! Virgil had his head in his hands, he was not ready for this. To have another, it was too much. For the next hour, Virgil sat there at his black desk repeating 2 simple words, Not Another.  After his brain ended completely shutting down he fell asleep, hunched over, head in his hands, asleep in a pile of tears.


No P.O.V.

Roman sat in the very front of the classroom, looking at his reflection in the camera of his laptop. He was having a wonderful Birthday and had completely forgotten today was the one Birthday he had his chance to find another.

"Roman...ROMAN!" His teacher had not been happy, that was the 5 time he tried to get the boys attention but Roman was too into... Himself to pay any attention.

"Yes?" The teacher look infuriated that Roman had acted as nothing happened.

"Since you're paying such good attention could you tell the class the answer to number 10, the final answer?" His teacher said with a smirk. He was sure Roman could not get the answer right, he hadn't been paying a lick of attention ALL class.

"The 1st airplane was created on December 17, 1903, by the Wright brother," Roman said proudly and sluggishly. He knew all the answers beforehand. He took the teachers planner snapped a picture and then wrote all the answer down in his notebook the night before so he didn't have to worry about anything ruining his Birthday.

"Was that all Mr. Logan?" Mr. Logan looked dead cold into his eyes and said, "Yes, yes that was all." Roman loved to infuriate his teachers, as long as he wasn't in the wrong he could do whatever he wanted. The bell rang and he was free, Roman had all the time in the world and could care less about how long it took for him to get home. Roman couldn't drive yet, so he called an Uber. The Uber took 5 minutes to get there. Thank god, these things usually take hours! Roman hopped in and told them his address, he had only an hour to get ready before it was time to leave for the party, so when he got home he hopped into the shower washed down before changing into his prince-like outfit. I mean today was his Birthday, he had to look like a prince.

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