Car Alarm (Logan x Virgil)

584 17 12

TW: Overworking



Logan's P.O.V.

"Sanders I need these papers done by tomorrow! You get that?" I sighed grabbing the papers from my boss, he worked me a servent, like I was his pawn. I had worked for him for three years and I was the head of my department. I could have asked another person from my department to finish the papers but they wouldn't be done to my perfection; Giving me another reason to stress. I finished with the papers I had been working with, then starting on the papers my boss gave me. I glanced at the clock it was 11:23 p.m., I could have these done and on his desk by five but that means I'll have to stay all night. I was off tomorrow so I decided to stay and finish.

As I walked out to my car; Papers finished and on my bosses desk. I tried to put my key in and in my car but didn't open so I tried again and the alarm went off, the owner came running out to check. As I stood there confused but nervous.

"I wasn't trying to steal your car, I'm just really tired and on the wrong street and tried to unlock the wrong car and I'm so sorry for waking you up at 5 in the morning. But hey at least your alarm works." The owner grabbed me by the hand and pulled me into his house.

"Logan it's me, we went on a date last weekend." He smiled.

"Virgil," I blinked, "Virgil!" I said giving him a hug almost missing.

"You need some sleep, how long have you been up?" I thought about it but ending up taking a reasonable guess.

"Probably the last 23 hours." He sat me down on the couch and ran upstairs grabbing me a change of clothes. He stepped out of the room and I changed.

"You're gonna sleep Logan, even if I have to force you too." I laid down and he laid down next to me, cuddling into my chest. I drifted off to sleep easy, not only because I was sleep deprived but also because I was with the man I was going to make my husband.



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