Is French your mother tongue? (L.A.M.P) RB Part II

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RB~ Roman's Birthday

TW: Non



Logan's P.O.V.

As I got up from my nap with the others and saw Roman, Patton, and Virgil all staring at me with intense eyes.

"Yes...?" I said trying to contain any fear.

"Je ne savais pas que tu pouvais parler français, As-tu appris le français ou était-ce votre langue maternelle?" Roman asked with ease, before I could even think of how to respond I began to speak.

"Le français est ma langue maternelle, Comment pouvez-vous le parler?" I covered my mouth realizng what I had said.

"HUZZA! I knew there was something about you!" Roman yelled making me flinch.

"WHAT IS IT ROMAN...DOES HE SPEAK FRENCH?!? Patton squealed jumping up and down.

"Well yes he just did, it's his first language actually!" I put my head down, I don't know why but I never wanted the other to know. It must have been a fear of being different.

"Logan, this doesn't change how we see you. There was to reason to be anxious about something like this. I think it's actually quite cool." Virgil said rubbing my back.

"Thank you. Also Roman, again,  when did you learn to speak french?" I questioned.

"It is the best love language, how could I not!" He laughed, I rolled my eyes.

"Well, what now? You guys know my secret." Everyone just laughed and I was confused about how that was funny.

"We just go on with our day. You speaking french is very cool but it isn't a huge deal that is gonna make us hate you or anything!" Patton smiled.

"Oh...well, in that case. I need to go shopping. Virgil, would you like to come with me?" I asked, he nodded and we all got up to change into actual clothes considering we were all still in our pajamas.

I left with Virgil to get a wooden toy horse and some rope. The person at the register was concerned but I reassured them it was for a prank. Which it was not but that sounds better than a gift. When I got home I texted Patton to distract Roman while Virgil and I got the gift in and hid it.


Why do you think he needs a toy horse and a rope?~

Comment your answers.

To be continued... 


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