Drunken state (Roman x Virgil)

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TW: Alcohol, (Sorta) Sexual activities 



Virgil's P.O.V. 

Roman was gone for work and I didn't pay for the alcohol, so I decided to get drunk and watch some Netflix. Cause why not, Roman can't stop me and it was Friday; No school tomorrow. But the dilemma was I had to find the key to the cabinet, Roman had told me where it was but I didn't listen. Maybe his room...? I walked upstairs and found the keys hung on his door. How have I never seen that?  I walked back downstairs and unlocked the cabinet. I decided to have some shots and mimosa's, maybe some wine...definitely wine. I took all the stuff I was gonna drink and put it on the table by the couch with four glasses, one wine glass, two shot glasses, and a champagne glass. Never good to mix drinks, is how I think it goes, I already had three beers in me. I walked back upstairs to place the key back on Romans door. Sitting back down on the couch I poured a shot of fireball and whiskey. Fixed a mimosa and a glass of wine. Sitting back against the couch I turned on Netflix, picking up my shot of whiskey. Flipping through the shows I decided to watch Pose. As the 1st episode played through I finished my wine, mimosa, and other shot. The next episode I drunk 4 shots and two glasses of mimosas. They were so good but then I ran out of orange juice, I went to the fridge almost tripping off the couch but there so no more juice of any kind in there either.


Virgil~ Heey Romen, cen yuo get som jiuce of your wayy hom?

Roman~ Ummm sure, are you drunk?

Virgil~ nO, bye know🌊

My phone went off a few more times but I didn't care, the show was getting so much better. I poured myself another glass of wine and sighed. After about three more glasses of wine and 3 shots, Roman burst in the house. I just laughed drinking my last bit of wine.

"Virgil, Oh my god! How much have you drunk!" He said out of breath, then his eyes darting to the one and a half empty bottles of wine, the two empty bottles fireball, and whiskey and the 2 empty bottles of champagne.

"i HaveN't drAnk thhhhhhat *hiccup* much!" I laughed tripping as I tried to get off the couch. Roman ran over to me and picked me up putting me back on the couch.

"Jesus, I can't leave you home alone with alcohol ever. Can I?" He said getting red as I poked his thigh, I laughed after he jumped back.

"I did nooooooot drunk tHat muuuch! bUt You seeeeem to hAve a little problem yourseLf prInce handsume." I said looking at his crotch, he blushed looking away.

"Virgil your drunk, you need some water and food. Then straight to bed for you mister." I ignored him and starting palming his crotch. He moaned but moved my hand anyway, I was kinda confused about why he moved my hand.

"Virgil you're really drunk." He picked me up and began carrying me upstairs to my room. So I reached out to kiss him, surprisingly he kissed back. I pulled back and giggled into his neck.

"Romey, I loooove you! Do you looove me?" I said giving him the pouty face. He blushed putting me down on my bed then turned around to leave.

"Virgil you are so drunk, you don't even understand." I grabbed his sleeve as he tried to leave.

"Roman fuck me, please! I really horny!" I said giggling, sorta ruining the moment. He looked at me flabbergasted.

"Well, maybe some other time if that's what you really want." I frowned. I patted my bed signaling for him to sit down.

"At least sleep with me, pwease I don't went to alune!" He looked at me and nodded.

"But let me go clean the mess you made downstairs 1st, okay?" I nodded letting him go. He was back upstairs in my room with pajamas on and I had changed when we left. He picked me up and laid me down holding me close, I fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

---Next day---

"Good morning Princy." I said smiling, right before the pain set in.

"FUCK!" I realized what I did last night, I had the worst hangover in the world. But then I realized who had been holding. I jumped out of bed my anxiety kicking in.

"Ro-roman..? Why were you in my bed...holding me?" He held out his hand giving me two pain relievers and water.

  "Well you got really drunk last night and tried to screw me, but I said no. So then you asked if I could at least stay with you in bed so did and that's why I'm here." I turned crimson realizing what I had done the night before.

"I...well..I do-don't want to-to..umm.." Roman reached down and kissed me, sliding his tongue into my mouth.

"Yes you do, and it's fine I love you to Emo nightmare." 



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