Help (L.A.M.P.) Part I

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TW: Panic Attack, Fighting, crying, and Stress
No P.O.V.
"Ohhhhh, this is one of my favorite songs!" Even though Roman liked all of the Disney songs; whenever one came on, he said that it was "one of his favorites".
"When you wish upon a star makes no difference who you are, anything your heart desires will come to you," Roman sang, "If your heart is in your dreams no request is too extreme, when you wish upon a star, as dreamers do." Now Roman did love this song but he was home and wanted to see his Boyfriends, he had gotten each of them a surprise. Logan would be gifted a new tie, Virgil would be given a 50 dollar gift card for anything he wanted, and Patton would be gifted an electronic cat.

"I'm home my royalty's." Roman looked around, and to his surprise, Logan and Patton are fighting and Virgil was balled in a corner, crying. Oh god, really boys. I leave to get a hair cut and this is what happens? Roman quickly picked up Virgil, he needed to get out of this stressful situation. Roman brought him to their bedroom and handed him his headphones so that he may listen to music to calm down.
Next, he went down to deal with Patton and Logan.
"Patton you NEED to be more careful, these ties are important!"
"I said I was sorry logy, I-i didn't mean t-too!" Patton was trying but he was having trouble controlling his voice.
"LOGAN...PATTON!" Roman tried to get their attention but was also having trouble, no matter how much he yelled he could not get them to stop. Roman hated to do this, it scared Patton to death but he had to. Roman walk over and grabbed a plate from the kitchen brought it back to the room the two were fighting in and through it on to the ground. It shattered and my the loudest noise. Patton jumped into Logan's arms and began crying, Logan realizing what he had done hugged Patton and was not going to let go, Roman seeing the two like that he went over and wrapped both of them in his arms and brought them to the couch, where they both lay on top of Roman crying a little bit; Roman didn't mind though. Once the two had both apologized, he went up to get Virgil. He seemed to be okay but Roman had him share how he felt too. They all had a little bit of an issue confessing how they felt and Roman had an idea to fix that.
"I got you all a gift, seeing what just happened I think it would be good to give them to you now instead of our anniversary." Roman was going to wait a couple of days till their anniversary but thought it would be good to give it to them now, especially after Logans tie had been ripped.
"Patton I got you a cat..." before he could even pull it out Patton jumped at him, Patton might have been allergic but he loved cats.
"Thank you, THANK you, THANK YOU!!" He started jumping up and down, finally, Roman pulled out the electric cat and handed it to Patton.
"I know you're allergic so I got you an electric one! Next you Logan, your tie was ruined but the good thing is when I was out, I got you a new one." Logan leaned over and grabbed his new tie, starring at it in amazement then looking back at Roman.
"Thank you RoRo." Logan leaned over once more but this time to kiss Roman, he got up after to go put on his new tie.
"You're welcome, Logan. And last but not least, for my dearest Emo, I got you a 50 dollar gift card." Virgil just starred, he wasn't sure how to react.
"Th-thanks Ro..." He looked down at the floor.
"You're welcome, dear." He said lifting up Virgil's chin and kissing him. Patton began to pout.
"What's wrong love?"
"You kissed Logan and Virgil but I didn't get a kiss...?" He said stomping his foot.
"Aww, I'm sorry..." Roman swiftly picked up Patton and kissed him.
To be continued...

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