Notes (Virgal x Logan)

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TW: Stress



Logan's P.O.V.

Since the beginning of school, I haven't had a single note in my locker, not from a bully, or teacher. And defiantly not from a friend, since I moved here I had only become friends with one person. His name is Patton, he's a huge goof with no idea of what grammar is. Sometimes he purposely makes mistakes just for the simple fact of infuriating me. 

But back to my main point, about a week ago I had gotten my 1st note in my locker. It was on a Tuesday and was placed in there between 1st and 2nd period. The note said "Figure out who I am and you'll get a surprise...V" I brushed it off like it had been Roman the school bully but then another appeared on Thursday, This one read "Wow, I'm surprised Mr. Nerd hasn't tried to figure about who I am...I". I was kinda confused about why this one had said I unlike the last. But it didn't bother me, so I brushed it off. 

During the weekend I had tons of homework. Not my own though, I was helping Patton out with his because at the bat of his eyes and his sad puppy dog face I couldn't say no.

"Pat, are you even listening. You have to take this number and multiply it by four so the variable can be eliminated." I said frustrated at the fact this had been the 3rd time I was repeating myself.

"Algebra is so hard! I don't understand it! How are you so smart?" He wined erasing his paper for the 8th time.

"Well, you got to learn, at some point Patton," I said rolling my eyes and getting up to make myself a glass of water.

On Monday I had found another note in my locker; They seemed to only appear on B days. This one read, "It's been a whole weekend, have you come any closer to finding me...R" But it was written on the back of a small album picture, the album was titled Welcome to the Black Parade. I'll have to listen to it

As the day went on, I found small pieces of ripped paper in my binder, Papers that were like a puzzle. If put together correctly it would make a picture. I loved a challenge, so I put the pieces together. They made someone's lower self, it didn't show their face but it gave enough of the outfit away to tell who it was. I waited to see if the letters on the notes added up to the name of the person.

Wednesday, "Hmmmm, Mr. Smarty can't Figure at who I am...G."

Friday, "Oh come on it's not even fun anymore...I."

Tuesday, "Please come and find me...L."

As Logan already knew the letter's spelled out Virgil, and he knew just where to find him.

Virgil's P.O.V.

I began to get anxious, Had I been a to mean. Had I not given enough information for him to find me. I put my head in my hands and began to cry. But I was interrupted by a pair of hands snaking around my waist and a pair of lips on my neck. I turned around with a squeal.

"Virgil, VIRGIL! It's just me Mr. Smarty." Logan said with a laugh. I calmed down...

"Logan...?" I said confused but then realized, "LOGAN! You did understand the messages I left."

"Yes, I did. I am Mr. Smarty." He laughed, I looked away, red after he said that. But then I felt a hand under my chin and my neck turning without my permission.

"Lo---" I was interrupted with a sweet kiss, I will never forget how It felt.

He pushed up his glasses, "I hope that wasn't too illogical."



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