Meeting and greeting (Logan x Patton) Adoption Part I

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TW: Abusive Relationship (Virgil and Deceit)



No P.O.V.

Walking into the orphanage Patton grabbed Logan's hand, "I can't believe we're adopting kids!"

"Nor can I," Logan said grabbing the door for Patton.  Patton walked into the orphanage letting go of Logan's hand. As Patton walked in he sees four children that all seem to be about the same age.

"Hello there! I am Roman," The boy dressed in red proclaims. "This is my brother-"

"I'm Remus! His twin."The boy in green said interrupting his twin. Remus looked to his brother Roman and pulled his hair snapping his head back, making it look like he had done nothing. Roman whined and hit Remus in the shoulder "Dude?!" Remus just snickered.

"I'm Dean." The one in yellow hissed. "This is my boyfriend," He said snaking his arm around the younger-looking boy.

"I-i'm Virgil." He said attempting to scoot away, but Deceit shot him a glare that said 'Act as if you like me in front of people.' Virgil nodded giving the two a fake smile.

"Well, Patton? How are they?" Logan said walking in behind him.

"Oh, they're adorable! I'm Patton! This is Logan." Patton said gesturing to Logan. 

"Greetings!" Logan said smiling and putting his head out. Remus took hold of his hand 1st.  

"Well hello there," Remus said shaking his hand roughly.

"How are you two?" Logan said shifting his attention.

Virgil was shaking in fear trying not to have another panic attack, "I'm um f-fine." He stuttered out.

"Well, good to hear," Logan said giving him an odd look. Noticing the odd look Virgil immediately looked down, only to be met with a hand to his chin forcing his head back up. "Virgil are you alright-" Deceit whispered into Virgil's ear. Virgil ignored him, but after a few moments, he remembered ignoring Deceit got him punished.

"Ummm...hey! What about me?!" Remus said poking Patton's side.

Patton squirmed, shifting his attention to the twins and asked, "Well? What do you like to do for fun?" 

"Well...I like to-" Roman flung his hand over Remus's mouth. 

Logan looked back over to Virgil only to see Deceits hand under his chin. "What's going on?" Logan asked talking only loud enough for the two boys to hear. Deceit looked up at Logan, "Nothing but showing my dearest love some attention." Logan pushed up his glasses, "Alright..." but before Logan looked back to the twins he saw Virgil mouth, 'Don't listen to him... It's a lie'. Deceit realized this and gave him the look of Death.

Patton looked confused "Huh?" 

"Well, what I was going to say was, I like making incorrect-quotes and eating deodorant!" Remus said with no shame.

Patton nodded, "I see..." Roman rolled his eyes.

 "Aw! Virgil~ you forgot your headphones in the room! Let's go and get them." Deceit said pushing the headphones into his back pocket before walking off to his room, Virgil in hand. 

"So, Roman? What do you like to do?" Logan said, nodding as Virgil and Deceit walked off. Virgil whined following Deceit, knowing he should speak up but couldn't.

"I like to read about space, draw, sing, act, and watch Disney!" Roman smiled

"Oh lovely, more Disney movies," Logan said rolling his eyes. 

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