The Kitchen Floor (Deceit x Remus)

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TW- Sexual mention, Dead Bodies, gore, and all that fun jazz


Deceit's P.O.V.

I wake up, wanting to smell some cooking pancakes or eggs or some type of delicious food. But no I woke up to the smell of rotting corpses. I rolled over to see if Remus was in bed with me but no, of course, he had to be the cause of the smell. He couldn't give me one nice Birthday, it had to be this, of all mornings it could have happened on. I stumbled out of bed putting on a pair of briefs and a rob and hobbled down the steps. I began walking towards the kitchen and the smell increasingly get worse, I held my nose and peeked around the corner to see my boyfriend pocking at the bodies with a stake.

"Remus! What are you doing!?" I yell, surprising him. He jumped up and looked at me clapping his hands together.

"Well...I was coming downstair when I smelled this horrible reak from the kitchen, and look what it ending up being," He laughed, "dead bodies!" I rolled my eyes

"I'm the Deceitful one here," I snapped, "And what did I say about leaving dead bodies in the kitchen!" He held onto the counter to keep himself from collapsing from fear, Remus may have been twisted but he did fear me when I was angry at him.

"You clean them up before you get downstairs..." He looked at his feet.

"And, what else?" I questioned.

"And...not to play with dead bodies on your birthday."

"And what's today?" I said kicking a lifeless arm.

"Your birthday?" He snapped his fingers cleaning the lifeless bodies off the floor.

"Now go take a shower and change, we're gonna pretend this," I motioned, "didn't happen and I'm gonna go back to bed." I walked upstairs, and he followed. He stripped in the bathroom making me upset but I knew I wouldn't have to worry too much, he'd have me out of my birthday suit more than once today.



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