Help (L.A.M.P.) part III

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TW: The cuteness is real,  and Anxiousness

No P.O.V.

"So...what does everyone want to listen too?" Roman nervously spoke, they had just gotten out of the spa and were on their way to their 1st couples therapy session.
"I'm gonna listen to my own music, listen to what you want." And with that Virgil slipped his headphones on and was zoned out. Roman wanted to listen to Disney but knew this day was about all of them and always made them listen to Disney every other day so....
"We could just talk!" Patton always wanted talk, music was never one he picked.
"Or we could listen to some classical music." Patton didn't know what that was and decided to ask.
"Yes, Patton?"
"What's classical music?" Patton always had a way to get people to talk.
"A serious or conventional music following long-established principles rather than a folk, jazz, or popular tradition, more specifically music written in the European tradition during a period lasting approximately from 1750 to 1830, when forms such as the symphony, concerto, and sonata were standardized." Patton was very confused, but Logan seemed to like that genre. 

"Ohhhhhhh, okay! Let's listen to that!" Roman was relieved that they had decided on the music so quickly. He put it on and the other two quickly fell asleep, Virgil, on the other hand, had been asleep way before they decided that classical music was what the car would be filled with.
"Patton....we're here." Patton slowly rubbed his eyes and began to wake up.
"Could you help me wake up the others?" Still, barely awake Patton mumbled sure.

"Hey Mr. Smarty pants, it's time to wake up." Logan was surprising not the easiest to wake up, he could wake himself up earlier than everyone else but when someone else had to wake him up, it did not work.
"5 more....minutes," Logan mumbled, Patton woke up Virgil quickly. Then again Virgil was a light sleeper.
"I have an idea." Virgil grabbed his bottle of water and poured a bit onto Logan's head. Logan jumped like there was no tomorrow.
"Really, what was that for!?" Logan looked a bit mad but to the others fine. He needed to wake up and there was no other way.
"We had to wake you up and you did not want to get up so Virgil poured his water on your head!" Patton said with a bright smile and a little giggle.
"Thanks," Logan said sarcastically.

They saw other couples sitting in the waiting room but felt weird that they had four instead of two. Virgil hid behind Roman, and Patton was next to Roman holding Logan's hand but leaning his head on Romans shoulder. They signed in and then walked over and sat down, Virgil sat to the far right closest to the corner; Followed by Logan Patton and Roman. Everyone kept giving them dirty looks and Virgil was beginning to get anxious, Logan realized this and grabbed his hand. A panic attack was not good but one in public was even worse. Calming down, Virgil's breathing became steadier.

"Roman Patton Logan and Virgil? Could you please step into my office?" The four did as they were told. Virgil was nervous, even though he told them that he didn't care, he was still nervous. Roman sat on the end to the left then Virgil then Patton then Logan. Roman thought it would be a good idea if Virgil sat in between all of them.
"Alright let me start by introducing myself, I am Doctor Picani and I will be your couples therapist!" They all nodded.
"Well let me learn a little bit about all of you, start with your name and why you like the others!" Patton nearly screeched.
"C-can I go 1st, PLEASE!"
"You should wait for your turn and let it go in order, it's good to let the other know that you respect them." Patton was a bit upset but knew he was 3rd, so he just nodded.
"Well I'm Roman and I love that they comfort me when I need it and that I can comfort them when they need it. I'm glad that every day I can learn something new from each and every one of them." Doctor Picani started tearing up. 

"That was so CUTE! Sorry, continue."
"I-i'm Virgil, a-and I like that when I need something I can turn to you guys and that if you guys ever need some help with making a decision that's big, even though you all might not like it you still ask for my opinion." The three others went red.
"IM PATTON! And I love everyone, I love the fact that they can all rely on me but when they see me struggling they help me and they're just all super great!" Logan ruffled Patton's hair, and Patton giggled.
"I'm Logan and what I love most about these three is that they bring out the best in me, they help me see that I'm not just a robot that only tells fact but that I also have emotions. They help me show them and I love them because they help me when I'm down or when I'm sick."
"You all are so CUTE!" Doctor Picani was smiling so wide it was beatings Patton's smile.

"So just to ask, what actually brings up the reason you all wanted to come to therapy?" Roman spoke up 1st.
"Well, sometimes when I go out things happen and then arguments happen, sometimes they have trouble expressing the not so pleasant emotions." Doctor Picani rubbed his chin like he had a goatee.
"Well, I think that maybe if you all just had some little meetings before you left to go somewhere, or if you all at least had a little meeting by yourselves once a week without me. It may help better expressing your emotions. Honestly, I don't think you even need me but if you want to keep coming to see me that's fine. I'll give you my number and you can call me, personally. I think someone's just a hypochondriac." The three looked at Roman.
"Alright then, if you insist. Thank you for your time." And with that the four of them left, Virgil again didn't care what music they listened too, Patton and Logan fell asleep, again, to some classical music. And the almost perfect anniversary turned out to be the perfect anniversary.

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