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"Call it what you want Josie, there is no way am leaving Betty for you. Get that in your thick fucking skull, Archie shouting with rage on the phone."

"With that Archie cut the call and the phone on the floor, making the phone screen to crack."

"What is going in here Archie? Chuck frowning looking for answers from his friend."

"Chuck looks into Archie's eye and I could see he was vulnerable and furious at the same time.

"Nothing, now get out of my way, Archie pushing Chuck a little bit to be able to pass."

"With that Archie was gone."

" Chuck was about to leave when he notices Archie's phone on the ground and pick it up and saw that had a lot of crack on the screen."

"Chuck wonder what could make Archie this furious to throw his phone on the floor."

"Luckily the phone was still alive, Chuck checked the last person he talked to on the phone to make him this furious and angry with rage."

"Chuck realised it Josie who called Archie."

"He decided to dial the number in the hope that he will found what Josie told Archie to make him this angry."

"Hello Archie there is no way lam aborting this baby is either you leave Betty for me or I tell her lam carrying your baby, Josie spoke in a harsh tone.

"Chuck didn't say and he just cut the call."

"Oh shit", Chuck thought

" Loud music, the smell of alcohol all over the club. People dancing crazily in the dance floor. The smell of cigarette everywhere.

"People having a make-out session in each room in the club."

"Stop Archie, Josie giggling pecking his lip

"Why should I stop, Archie, kissing Josie nipple, sliding his hand in her shirt."

" Stop teasing, Josie pushing Archie on the chest."

"There stop being this sexy, Archie move closer to Josie with hesitation he crashed his on her."Before they finally broke the kiss."

"I need to tell you something Archie, Josie touching Archie's face."

"What is it you want to tell me, Archie spoke curiously."

"I'm......two.......week..pregnant, Archie looks shocked and confused."

"What did you just say, Archie still looking confused."

" I'm 2 weeks pregnant, Josie replied again."

"You have to abort that baby Josie and besides am getting married to Betty in one week time."

"So what am I Archie your mistress, Josie questioning Archie."

" Look Josie There can never be us and l love, Betty."

"So I was Just a fling for the taken, Josie looking at Archie with a dirty look."

"We were never a thing, Archie spoke harshly."

"The door shut behind Josie."

"Archie leaving Josie in tear."

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