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His lip felt like fire wall around her. We were in Jughead apartment making out.

Are you OK Cole, Betty asked.

Yeah I'm fine, Jughead spoke standing from the bed.

Betty put her arm around Jughead and kiss her neck. He push her down on the bed he now on top of her.

You drive me crazy Betty, Jughead spoke.

Oh really, Putting her arms around him bringing him close. He crashed his lips on her. Jughead took control domination using his tongue to tease her.

I Love you, Jughead spoke still teasing Betty.

I Love too, Betty replied.

Jughead pull Betty to his arm. Good night Betty, Jughead kiss her on forehead.

The morning shines insulate rays. Betty woke up and look at the time. She removed the shirt Jughead gave her and wore back her cloth.

Where're you going princess, Jughead asked opening one of his eye.

I need to leave Cole am going to call you, Betty kiss Jughead head and left.

Betty made it home

Betty quickly made toward her room.

Where do you think you are going young lady, Betty knew now she was in trouble.

Betty turn to look at her angry mum.

Mum I can explain, Betty cough out.

Where did you spend the night, Alice asked.

At Veronica mom.

I was really worried about you since news devastated me couldn't sleep all I think about is you Betty.

What news mum, Betty asked.

It ........Chic....," Alice murmured.

What about Chic mum, Betty asked.

"He was shot 3 times on the head Betty in cold blood," Alice cried out in her daughter.


Betty heard someone call her name. The voice was familiar she couldn't put it together.

When she was face to face with the person she couldn't believe it.

"Polly," Betty spoke.


I felt like love struck teenager who is trying to get a girl. It lovely having Betty in his arms. He was ready to tell her the truth something stop what if she hate or never want want see him again he couldn't bear been far away from her. If it wasn't the fact that her father is an evil lunatic he would have approach like a normal would. He felt his phone ring. He check out who calling him. It was Josie.

What does she want, he wondered.

Hello Josie, he spoke.

Forsythe you need turn on your TV now, Josie spoke in a serious tone.

Why, Jughead spoke.

Just do it, Josie demanded.

OK ...fine...., Jughead spoke defeated.

He drop his phone on the table and turn the TV. He couldn't believe his eyes. Chic Cooper was the new of the headlines. His body was found in white wrym, the bar owned by a group serpent in Riverdale.

Could this get more Complicated, Jughead thought.

All he cared  about right down is how Betty reacting to this news. He wish he was there to comfort her.

Hal was now in front of his house. He kill his own son. He knock on his door to see grace open the door .he enter the house to see Polly was in t. He hear Betty saying Polly name.

He was shocked to see Polly  was in his house. He made his appearance known.

Alice, Betty what is going here, Hal spoke.

They didn't say anything.

Hello Father, Polly spoke.

Hal turn his face to look at her.

"Why are you here Polly," Hal asked.

I came to get what belongs to me father, Polly wink.

"What do you want," Hal asked.

I want you to transfer all the property in my name. I'm your daughter after all which make me Betty.

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