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Imagine your world crumbling  down in side of  you shattered in pieces. But things and people you were close to was ~ Betty

"Polly you don't know what your saying," Hal spoke.

I know what I'm  saying dad.

I want every last bit of the property to be transfers in my property.

Polly you can't show up here and demand for a property that belongs to me and mom. We just loss chic, show some respect.

"I know what I'm doing little sis," Polly spoke.

Betty felt hurt and betrayed. She don't even know the person who is standing in front of her, "is her sister or not." She and Polly got along but had different opinion which they kept to themselves, but for her to show up un announce claiming she want all property in her name."Who does she think she is".

Alice, Betty can you leave me alone with your sister we need to discuss something, They nodded and left.

Polly follow me to my study now, Hal demanded.

Polly followed him all the way to his study.

"What're you doing here," Hal spoke.

"I should be asking you the same thing what're you doing here dad," Polly spoke.

"This is my house why wouldn't I be here," Hal spoke.

"That is not the answer to the question dad," Polly spoke.

"I don't understand," Hal spoke.

"Let me spell out for I saw at whyte wyrm  this work, Polly spoke.

" you are delusional Polly I though sending you to sister will help you but you are acting Crazy, Hal spoke.

I'm not crazy I was in whyte wyrm when Chic was murdered.

I started wondering when I saw you dad at whyte wrym. I pop in my mind if you were behind Chic death dad, Polly spoke.

"What're you saying Polly your making false against me, Hal spoke.

who's feeding you with all this lies Polly

I paid a visit Nick st Claire the other he had some interesting stories about you which the public  will like to hear Dad.

How dare think you can blackmail me into given you the property You're dead wrong if you think I will give it to you Polly.

Dad I'm like the other, "will you kill me to make sure the truth doesn't come out of mouth?"

If there's any measure I will take Polly then I will do it, don't underestimate me. Polly even if you're my daughter you can't win the game.

Hal left his study leaving Polly inside there. Polly remember the day such like yesterday.


Polly was out hell hole called the sisters of quiet. She felt dirty unpurified in there. She felt like a prison there. Her own Dad told she shouldn't  leave with her mistake. "Was her baby mistake?" Babies brought joy to her home not home she live with her parent. Her dad was devil in mask. She didn't even hold her baby when they're born. All she wanted was her family to see her dad true colours.

Jughead was now in McCoy resident.

"So is everything going as plan, I look at attorney McCoy in the eye. Yes she now my girlfriend now, Jughead smile.

Those smile meant everything to him not the fact that he want to revenge on her father. He was in love everyday that passes he wish one day he  could tell her the truth about himself but he can't. He is afraid she might never forgive. Here he was planning the next move on her father.

"It's all over news about Chic death," attorney McCoy spoke.

Jughead nodded.

What's the plan, Reggie spoke from behind. it wasn't that long till Josie arrived and Join them.

I think what we need to do, Attorney McCoy looking at Jughead. You need to Comfort Betty she need you right now. It wouldn't be bad if she has you by her side, you may eventually meet her dad since you guys are in a relationship.

Jughead was worried about Betty he wanted to Comfort her. He never knew his love for her will blossom.

Archie closed the door to his car look toward the position of his house. If been a month since he was thrown out. He could look through a distance and watch. The house he build memories. He was big disgrace and he knew it. Archie heard gunshot quickly ran into the house. He saw different men with hood. One was muscular built, one was short but thin and frightening.

They both held Archie dad in their mercy.

Archie punch one of the guys didn't spare any of them. He punch the two of them with their might. They ran off Archie tried to run after them but Fred held him back.

He look into his father eye with love only a son could cherish in his heart.

"Thank you", Fred spoke.

Nick wasn't ready to spend another day In this rotting Jail. He was Wollongong to get out of here with all mean possible. When Polly paid him a visit he knew she came to asked truth about devious father.

" Claire," you have a visit."

Nick quickly stood up from his bed and followed the guard.

It wasn't even angel that came to see him but the devil himself Hiram lodge.

What do you want Hiram, Nick asked.

I came to see you remember our deal Hiram kept reminding him.

If there is any evidence to put Hal down I will sure it happen, Hiram spoke in confidence.

I will update Bad boy this week. Don't forget to vote and comment.

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