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"Betty wait," Jughead tried to catch up with Betty but she was too fast.

Jughead tried calling her number but she didn't answer his call. He was desperate to find her. Anger took over inside of  him and stroll to the restaurant looking for Archie. He spotted him toward the corner of a table. he was going to teach him a lesson he will never forget.

"Archie Andrews," Jughead spoke.

"Yes,"Archie turn to look at me he still the mark Betty gave him on face.

"This is for Betty," Jughead punches him on the face. I wanted punch him  the more but people held him back. Jughead was about to leave  when he saw Josie. He didn't bother looking back. He keep trying to call Betty but end up in voice mail.

He never punch a guy for a girl before, he wasn't the  type but he might warn you but he  doesn't punch guys. He kept  looking for Betty.

Jughead was on my way home when he saw missed call on his phone and  realised Betty call. He quickly call her. She pick the call.

"Hello Bett where are you I going pick you up," he spoke.

"You don't have to know where I'm Cole I'm fine I just wanted tell you I'm fine OK, Betty spoke on the phone.

It wasn't long until Betty cut off the line I tried calling her but kept telling me switch off.

I was really goner when it comes to Betty. I didn't think fall hard for her but I did.


Hal wake up with a pounding headache it hurt everywhere but he registered the last thing he  remembered was my car crashed and he saw Malachi. He notices this wasn't the hospital. He  was in a house it didn't look familiar to me.

"Good morning Hal," Malachi spoke standing up from his seat.

"Where did you take me," Hal asked.

Malachi look at  him for a second and blink his eyes and laugh. Hal wasn't in the mood for game.

"You should thank me for saving your life," Malachi smirk.

Hal looked at him  frowning his eyes.

"What do you want Malachi,"Hal asked.

Malachi smirk at him and gave him chuckle look.

"This is why i like you Hal you alway think I'm up to something," Malachi spoke.

"To answer your question Hal I have something that is Very important to you," Malachi spoke bringing out his phone.

Hal saw a picture of Chic tied up to a chair. He look bloody and weak.

"What do you want Malachi," Hal asked looking angry.

"Now your talking Hal," Malachi smirk sitting down.

"I want you gave me back took from me many years ago,"Malachi spoke.

"I don't know what your talking about," Hal denied

"You know actually what I'm talking about,"Malachi spoke.

Hal didn't say anything.

"If you don't want your precious life of your son to be wasted I suggests you start spilling," Malachi spoke.

"I don't care if you kill Chic I never tell you scum,"Hal spoke.

Well if you want  I will confess all the crimes you and I committed 18 years ago.

Passion For Revenge (Bughead)Where stories live. Discover now