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⏪⏪⏪⏪⏪⏪⏪⏪⏪⏪Third person⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩
I heard foot step I wondered who it's. Hal is that you, kill me already you bastard end my suffering.

I'm not Hal fp but your worst nightmare, he smirk.

"Hello fp," Malachi smirk.

His mind and soul couldn't believe who was in front of him" Hello Fp.
Just like that my life ended in his hands. My eyes look sword with hatred. Hatred that I build over the years because of Hal.

"You don't look happy to see me?" Malachi asked.

Fp didn't let his words shower his thought. Doesn't want to feel weak in defeat.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" Malachi knee down to look at fp one more time.

It been long time no see Jones.

How'd you find me, Fp spoke in a low tone.

It's simple I just trick Hal into killing his own flesh and blood to be able tell me where you are.


Malachi fall down to the ground. His leg was injured and bleeding. He heard movement but couldn't heard it very well.

"Think again Malachi," The voice whispered in his ear.

He was able glanced at the face. His mind and soul who it was tall boy and Hal behind him.

You betray me tall boy.

You never get out alive  this time around Malachi, Hal touch his face.

Do you think you could send me Jail for Chic murder you wrong once again if you think you have won.

You will paid Hal.

I don't think so the tables has turn on me.

There's one thing I want to know before you died how you escaped death in the first place the first time..



Malachi fell to the ground while the gun was still in Hal hands. Chic ran back quickly to warehouse.

"Dad"! Chic shouted.

Chic glanced at the  bodies in front of  his dad.

Just don't stand there help me Carry his body Chic, Hal spoke.

"No dad I would be part of  this I will just stay in the car," chic spoke.

"You have no choice Chic", Hal spoke.

Chic was now in a hard rock.

Passion For Revenge (Bughead)Where stories live. Discover now