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Three week later................

"Come on B you need to leave this house," Veronica giggling.

"As much as I want to I don't feel like going out, Betty admitted.

"Look I know your scared of falling in love again, but not every guy is Archie Andrews , Veronica making a point.

"Come on B it will be fun, Veronica spoke.

"Oh right," Betty replied.

"Great I will give you total make over you will have the time your life,"
Veronica smile.

Betty didn't felt like going to a party, she just move into her apartment after she was discharge from the hospital. They were now in a club, the music were loud and addictive. Betty couldn't help herself she started dancing. Betty didn't notices she loss track of Veronica.

"Hi there", a man approach Betty putting his hands on her waist. Betty felt a bit uncomfortable.

"Let go of me", Betty urged.

"I wouldn't start a commotion if i were you", Betty saw a gun pointed on her waist.

Do what i say and no body will get hurt, the man whispered in her ear.

Betty nodded in response.

Follow me outside, The man spoke still aiming the gun currently on Betty.

Betty did what she was told and followed the man outside. The night was gloomy and sad. The man push Betty forward still aiming the gun at her.

"What do you want from me?" Betty asked curiously.

Man said nothing, he continued to aimed the gun at her. Betty got scared that his silent means something. Betty more scared and frightened.

"My goal is to kill you," Man spoke.

"Please don't kill me I will pay any amount you want please don't," Betty pleaded.

"Didn't you heard me my goal is to kill you," Man ready to shoot Betty.

The gun was fired up as the man struggling with young handsome young guy who looked Betty age. Jughead was enabled to kick him on sensitive spot and was enabled to grabbed him and punched him until he black out. Betty stayed still watching the whole drama. Jughead was to able grabbed the gun from him. Jughead went toward to Betty direction who was now in shocked.

"It OK it he can't hurt you" , Jughead comfortable her.

Betty notices he was wearing beanie on his head which reminded her of one she tried to forget a long time ago.

"Have we met before",Betty asked touching his face.

"No," Jughead lied

I have already notified the police they are on their way, Jughead spoke changing the subject.

"OK",Betty replied.

Betty didn't Know why she drew to this guy as if she has him known all her life. Betty didn't know but the confident came, she was ready to know him.

"My name is Betty cooper What yours?" Betty starting a talk.

"Betty though he was hesitate to tell her his name.

"Cole Sprouse", Jughead lied.

Nice to meet you Cole, Betty shaking his hand.

The police have arrived and arrested the man that tried to kill Betty. Jughead comforted her and offered to take her home. But she rejected. She wanted to see if Veronica was still around.

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