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WARNING SMUT .........

"Her sensitive skin felt like electric which drew me closer to her."Her body otherwise catch up the feeling buried inside Jughead for so long to see hot blonde girl naked in front of him, turn him on like fuck."
" As Betty continues torturing Jughead." Things take drastic turn as Betty push Jughead down to fell on the bed. Betty get on top of him licking his neck.
"Jughead grabbed her hand and was now on top of her." He remove his shirt pulling it to the side."

"Betty touching his chest in the look of it he has been working out really well."

"I like when you tease me it turn me on, Jughead smile." Jughead crashed his lip with Betty fighting for Domination. Jughead broke the kiss, admiring woman naked in front of him.

"What wrong Mr Jones?" You can't stand a naked woman beside you, Betty teasing and pecking his lip."

"Your Wrong there Miss Cooper, Jughead connecting his lip with Betty. The kiss was soft, tender and mutual. Jughead took a deep breathing to recover from their make out session.

" Jughead unbuckled his belt to be able to be free from his jean. It was like slow motion with every step that he makes. He was only wearing boxer. He pull is boxers down. He climbed the bed, he was completely naked too. He connected his lip with Betty once again. He pull her leg up, looking at her most eagerly. Jughead put his throbbing length in her entrance.

Jughead move slow as soft moan come out her mouth.

Faster Jughead, Betty begging. He change is position to have more. ?He became rude less with every thrust that he makes. Betty scream not able to control the sound of mouth.

Oh yes right there Jughead, Betty fill with pleasure.

Keep going juggie, Jughead flattered by his nickname

That turn Jughead more he became faster. Betty couldn't take more pleasure as they reach climax.

The last word Betty spoke shock Jughead, I love you.

CARRY ON.........................

Jughead open his eyes and realized he was dreaming. Damn it, it felt so real and genuine, he felt an arm around his shoulder.

Toni, Jughead shocked to see her in his room and in his bed. His memory hit him back it was supposed to meet up with Toni last night.

Toni please wake up, Jughead trying to wake up.

Sh.....sh,"oh my god what time is it", Toni opening both her eye.

It 9:00 on dot, Jughead replied.

Oh shit am late for work, Toni get out the bed.

Toni exit the room Jughead follow her to be enable to catch up to her.

Toni wait, Jughead obliged.

What is it Jones can't see am for work, Toni harsh.

I'm sorry for ditching you last, Jughead spoke genuine.

I have leave now sorry, Toni ignoring his apology.

Immediately Toni left the House he throws a vase full flower on the floor broke into pieces.

What happening in here, jellybean asked wondering.

Oh my god Jughead your hand, Jellybean rush toward her brother.

It bleeding Jughead, jellybean spoke terrified.

Jellybean was enable to get a first aid to clean Jughead wound.

What happen between you and Toni this time around, Jellybean spoke.

I ditch her last day, Jughead replied.

That explain why she was so eager to see you last night, Jellybean chuckle.

I'm guessing fuck up this time, Jughead standing from the floor.

All Jughead could think about right was the dream for a certain blonde.

Chic talk me, Hal trying to make a conversation.

What should I say Dad, chic look disappointed.

Look what ever you saw stand between us, Hal spoke.

Is that all, chic not ready to hear any more.

Yes, Hal replied.

Chic was leave the car when something hold in back. He wanted to asked this it been bothering him. He need answers.

Dad what do you mean when you told that man you killed before, Chic looking for answers. He realised Hal was hesitate to answer his question. He didn't push the question more further.

I just wanted to scared him chic, Hal lied

OK I believe Dad, chic had a feeling his dad was lying but just play along.

Chic open the door of car and was about enter inside the mansion when Hal the car drove off.

Chic find out what his dad is hiding from him.

Sorry this chapter is short the next chapter will be long. Don't forget to vote and comment.

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