Chapter 16

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Betty couldn't believe Jughead has lied to her this time. She couldn't believe she fall in love with him. She about to leave when he stop her.

"Betty is not......," he couldn't finish his sentence, he felt slap on his face.

"We're childhood friend back then. What happen to sweet boy that make me smile, she shed tear.

He wanted to comfort her but he couldn't in the fear she would push him away.

He moved closer separating the gap between. He whispered " I still that same boy you knew back then but the only thing that has changed my feeling.

She move away from him once again was about move when he spoke " I sorry I lied to you, I wanted revenge on your father for the wrongs he has done to me my family. Your father is not innocent as you think he is. He killed some many people in the past. She looked at him shocked. She didn't want to believe what he was saying. "But could it be Her dad killed her own brother?". She wasn't the type to think that way but she couldn't stop thinking that way to be frank. He killed my mum in front of me Bett. She ignored him using her nickname. He killed my dad and made both me and my sister orphans. He touched her hand trying to search her eyes to believe him. He caress her cheek " I'm sorry Betty in the beginning you only way I could think of to get to your dad I'm sorry," his word sincere and truth.

The words in his mouth just spilled out "I love you Betty I'm sorry my love."

She couldn't bear it anymore. "I never want see you again," she left leaving him heart broken.

Jughead continued with help of Josie who apparently was now mother with beautiful adorable girl, Reggie Jellybean and last not list Toni. He couldn't stop thinking of Betty. He went toward her house every to watch her making sure she ok. He wanted to go to her but it was too risky. He wasn't himself anymore.

"Are you going to be staring at their house all day?" He knew her beautiful was ringing his head.

He took the courage to knock on the Cooper resident. He didn't care if he get recognized all he ever wanted to see she was safe and happy.

"Excuse me who are you?" Alice asked.

He wanted so badly to use his fake name but he resisted.

"My name's Jughead Jones I'm a friend of your daughter Betty.

It wasn't a lie that he was friend Betty. Her eyes widened when he said his names. That when he notices blood on her hands, bruises and she had a black eyes.

He wanted to asked her. " Betty isn't here she travelled. She shut the door at him.

"What just happened," he thought. He knew she was lying. He will get in the bottom of this.

Remain just one chapter left

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