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"Jughead put on his sun glasses which fit him perfectly together with his beanie prepared for the drama that might occur today".Jughead make sure he is little bit close to church.

"Jughead saw Betty cooper running out of the church into her limo in her wedding dress driving out and Archie trying his very best to catch up to her."

"Jughead had a devilish smile on his face knowing his plan has worked, He have to do anything just watch Josie do everything for him without him intervening.

"Now he felt sorry Betty almost getting her life ruined by Archie lies. Jughead look at himself and realise his plan is working, the left to do is to mend Betty cooper heart and make her fall in love with him.

"Jughead realise his phone is ringing decided pick it and realise it was Josie.

Jughead: Hello Josie

Josie : Hi Forsythe, just wanted to tell you our plan has worked. I make every one believed this Archie baby. If you were here you will see the expression every one gave me including Archie who didn't expect me to crash his wedding.
The shock in Betty face I told her that Archie has been cheating on her ever since we were together. She couldn't handle it so she ran and Archie went after her.

Jughead: Thanks a lot Josie your confession to Betty really help.

Josie: Bye Forsythe

Jughead cut the call and walk himself home and celebrate his plans been put into action. Jughead knock on the door he called home, it was simple not like the home they had back in Riverdale but was comfortable but this was New York city the life they had in Riverdale was different from life he had here in New York. The door open and reveal Toni topaz.

Jughead was shocked to see Toni.

Toni what are doing here?Jughead looking surprised.

I came see you, Toni touching his cheek. They didn't know they were that close but the friction between them was now closure and desire for each other.


Jughead crashed his lip with Toni closing the door behind. They Break the kiss still breathing heavily from the kiss. Jughead was full with lust and desire. So where is Souphead and Jellybean? Jughead asking.
They went to see a movie together, Toni chuckle look. Oh, Jughead look surprised. With no hesitation Toni crashed her lip with Jughead once again.

Jughead carried Toni still kissing her cuddling her legs on Jughead waist moving to his bedroom and drop on Toni his bed and went to lock the the door. Jughead was still in his shirt and pants. He pull up his shirt revealing his muscular muscles, got to admit it turn Toni on. Jughead love teasing Toni.

He climb on top of Toni still kissing her on the lips. Her hands traveled to jeans touching his sensitive spot. Jughead attacking her neck with kisses leaving hickey on her neck. Toni remove her top revealing her Blue lacy bra. Jughead help her to unhook it, exposing her breast. Jughead sucking every part of the breast making Toni to moan. Jughead hand travel along Toni shorts pulling it down and tossing on the floor leaving Toni with only panties.

Toni spoke one last word that turn Jughead on, "Jughead I want you, all of you". Jughead pulling Toni closer to him with a heated kiss. His hand went to her panties pulling it down, Completely exposed to Jughead. Toni help Jughead unbuckle his belt freeing him from his jean and toss it on the floor, Leaving him with only his boxer. Jughead kiss Toni stomach making Toni to moan his name.

Jughead putting two fingers in her entrance teasing making Toni to moan desperate need of his touch. He pull out his two fingers from her entrance.

Jughead remove his boxers freeing his erection and tossing boxers to the other the floor. He went to pick a condom from the nightstand and put on his throbbing length. He climbed on top on Toni opening her leg wide for Jughead to better access.

Jughead look one more time and spoke a word that shocked Toni," Toni can't do this am sorry". Jughead climbing off the bed removing the condom and tossing it to the trash. Wearing his boxers and jeans back on.

What do you mean you can't do this? Toni looking confused climbing on the bed and folding her arms.

Toni it was mistake OK , Jughead sounding serious facing Toni.

It just sex beside you knew I had feels for you while now I was ready to give self to you because I love you, those last words sent Jughead a arrow to his throat. He came closer to Toni looking through her eye to have the courage to say what he want to say even it hurt, it was right thing to do.

I don't love Toni am sorry, Jughead being sincere.

Toni wore her cloth back on and left shutting the behind her. Jughead climb the bed he knew he mess up bad. Would been better if he took Toni virginity. He couldn't do, she is his friend he couldn't take advantage of her and lead her on.

Archie drown his soul with every last bottle of tequila. He knew he mess up everything with Betty. She don't want anything to do with him anymore. He keep on drinking his sorrow and guilt with every drink he took. He tried calling her phone but it was going to voice mail. Look at how thing turn out today. Every thing exploding on his face. He tried to stand up and paid for the drinks and left the bar. He went to the parking lot where he park his car when he saw two man and punch him on the face and he black out. All He could remembered he found himself in a warehouse.

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