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Voices every where telling Betty to wake up. All she could see her shadows, creatures of different kind. Different people mourning the loss of some one. Betty came forward to look at the person they were mourning. Betty realise it was her own self. The nightmare just begin tree were dying, animal dying changes in weather conditions. The dead came out of the grave. Betty screamed, that up how she wake up in a hospital. Her mum and veronica were beside comforting her.

Elizabeth you are awake, Alice sparkling smile only a mother should have over a child.

Veronica please inform the nurse that Betty awake, Alice smile

OK , veronica leaving the two alone.

Mum what going all I remembered is me trying to end my life.

Chic and I rush you to the hospital, Alice smiling.

Mum you just allow me to died it not worth living, Betty was vulnerable.

Don't say that Betty I know you still hurting we here for you I never leaving your side in this state you are in, Alice hugging Betty.

The door open revealing Veronica with the doctor.

Betty compose herself. She really hate staying in hospital.

How are you feeling now miss cooper, Doctor asked.

I'm feeling great, Betty replied.

We still need to run some test to check if you are OK, doctor spoke conscious.

I hope there no problem doctor, Alice asking.

No there is non we want to know if she in perfect health, Doctor spoke.

I will leave all of you alone now, the doctor left and close the door.

Veronica quickly hugged her best friend.

I miss you B, don't do that ever again, veronica being serious.

I will you guys alone time to catch up, Alice smile exiting the room.

Betty I know I shouldn't say this but Archie has been missing for week now. No one knows where he is, veronica spill out.

The door open revealing Hal and chic.

Am I disturbing your privacy, Hal narrowing his eye.

No dad, Betty smile.

Hi how are you feeling, chic chuckle.

I'm feeling great thank chic, Betty replied.

I should leave, Veronica exit the door.

Ronnie, Veronica turn to see who it was.

Reggie what are you doing here,Veronica spoke surprised.

I came to see how your doing, Reggie spoke confidence.

I'm alright thanks for stopping by I really appreciate it, Veronica touching Reggie cheek.

How is Betty any news so far? Reggie changing the subject.

She doing great, she in the room with father and brother, Veronica spoke.

Let take a seat standing wouldn't help catch for lost time veronica sat down to continue the conversation with Reggie.

Hal and Chic step out of the room. Veronica didn't know when they left because she busy with her conversation with Reggie. Josie was on other side listening to them.

Josie text Jughead.

Josie : you can go inside the room no one is inside.

Jughead: Thank Josie.

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