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It's Because I'm Madly in Love with you Cole can't you see that, Betty words play back in Jughead Mind.  He couldn't believe he has fallen for Her. How was going to fix the mess he got himself. Was going to tell her the  truth or keep pretending to be some one is not. It's a step he is  going to take. He drove all the way to Betty house and tried to find his way to her room. He found a ladder and check if anyone was around the corner  before he proceed on what to do next. He found in himself close Betty room.

What was going to say, He thought for a minutes. He knew he can't stay away from Betty anymore he isn't the same guy that wanted revenge so badly. Everything changed,his Feelings Change. Love changed him. He knock on Betty window.

Her eyes looked swollen it look like she been crying since last night. Jughead felt guilt for what he did to Betty.

Jughead took step forward, his head were down he couldn't look into her eye knowing he's the cost of all her pain.

What do want Cole.

Look Betty I'm sorry for what i said and did last night I don't know what came over me.

Betty look at him he was genuine sorry. She knew what she felt when she is  around him.

I forgive you Cole, Betty spoke.

"Can I come inside," Jughead asked.

He wonder if she decline to open the window for him. He can't blame her it was his fault in he first place.

Betty open the window enter inside. He step in and she closed the window. She face him like she is seeing him for first.

I shouldn't have called you a whore I didn't mean it. I will admit Betty when I saw you with Archie i got of Jealous and confused.

When you told me you love me did you really me it Bett,  Jughead spoke.

Betty nodded.

Jughead felt like the happiest man alive.  He didn't waste pull Betty toward him and crashed his lips with her. His tongue tried dominate.

I love you too Betty Cooper, he whispered kiss.

Betty smiled and caressed his cheek. They were no longer kissing but touching each other faces.

I will like you to be girlfriend, Jughead spoke.

Betty was shocked she didn't think it was time to get into a relationship.

He could sense she wasn't ready to be a relationship.

Betty if you are not ready to be in relationship with me I will wait.

Thank you for being understanding, Betty spoke caressing his cheek.

There's something I need to tell you Cole. Betty took a deep breath to say so whatever she want to say.

There's darkness in me I don't know where it comes from it make do this crazy things.

Is it why you punch Archie.

She nodded.

He now understand why she ran away that day. But don't match up the fact why she met up  with Archie.

I met up with Archie to heard him out I want to have peace of mind. I didn't want to hold unforgiveness  which could trigger me.

He pulled her to chest. He fear she heard his heart beat so fast. Jughead reached his hands and pulled her down for long kiss, his hip moving up and pressing further into her on the bed. He quickly remove undress her. His mouth was fastened to her breast. She moaned as he swirled his tongue around the peak and giggled. He  undressed himself and settled between her thighs.


"Oh shit,"Betty push Jughead away.

She quickly wore her robe.

You need to hide Cole my mum is  on her way here.

Betty heard a knock on her door and open.

Elizabeth i heard noises are you OK.

I'm OK mum you have nothing to worry about.

Alice left and Betty  shut the door.

"Betty I'm leaving now ," Jughead spoke.


Before I leave I want to give you a goodbye kiss, Jughead smile.

He kissed on her forehead and  left.

"Where I'm I," Chic murmured. He couldn't see anything every thing was dark. All he could hear were man voices.

Flash back........
Chic was in front of the police station. He was ready to exposed his dad for who he really his. He was about to step inside but black out and woke up blind folded.

Ha...... Ha...... The men laughed.

Stop laugh and remove the blind fold, Chic listen. He felt an arm removes his blind fold, he was face to face with the devil in self.

"What're you surprised to see me alive," Malachi spoke. He saw his dad was  behind him. He was convinced his dad was behind his own son kidnapping. He take good look at the men in front of him. They wearing jacket with a sign on the side of jacket signifying the southside serpent.  He was scared like hell. A tall man walk in and was greeted by Malachi he was serious tall. He hear one of men called him tallboy.

Look Hal your son life in your hands, Malachi spoke.

Hal turn toward Chic he could the anger and hatred toward him.

You disgust me dad you kidnapped your son so the truth about will not be revealed.

Hal didn't think he heard his son right. He was ready to turn his dad in. He wouldn't allow that happened.

Malachi pulled a pistol and handed it over to Hal.

You know what to do with it Hal, Malachi smile and left.

It remain Hal, his son and the southside serpent and their leader tall boy to be witness.

One of the men gave Chic phone to Hal. Hal check his phone to notices that Alice was calling him. He gave the phone to chic and told him to answer it and not tried anything funny. He pick the call. He could see the worry in his mum voices. He knew he had lied to his mum to protect her from the like of his monster of a father. He dropped his phone and gave back to his dad.

Hal hand straightened pointing a pistol at Chic head. Chic was in tear. He was afraid of death.

Tell me why I shouldn't kill you Chic.

Because I'm son for god sake.

Wrong answer the gun found his way shooting Chic on 3 times before finally fall down.

This day will haunt him every day of his life. He kill his own flesh and blood.

I Know most hate Hal the more. Don't forget to vote and comment.

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