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Distance Jughead feels when he not around her he don't feel like himself. He never felt this way for anyone but with Betty it different but it seen as time they want to united them. He is a broken boy from wrong side of the track. She is the perfect girl next door. Could she mends his broken heart. He has been thinking of Betty ever in his dreams he thinks about her. In his mind. He get her off his mind when he him Josie and Reggie talk about their plan for Hal, he doesn't concentrate any more.

"Could this be love,"he wondered

He didn't rush anymore time, he drove to the Cooper residents. He didn't know what brought him here but he just came.A message pop in on his phone.

Betty: hi Cole it Betty

Jughead: Hello Juilet

Betty: stop flirting with me.

Jughead: we are just texting is that a problem.

Betty: No

Jughead: Betty I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me.

Betty: like right now.

Jughead: yes...I mean right now.

Betty: I no longer live in my apartment I move back with my family.

Jughead: I know

Betty : you do

Jughead: yes

Betty : what house are you talking about

Jughead: The Cooper residents.

Betty: oh OK I will be outside in a minutes.

Jughead kept looking at his phone realising he is memorising all the text he made to Betty. He wasn't sure if he love Betty yet. But being with her made feel things he never felt before. He didn't notice when Betty came beside him.

If you keep on staring at your phone we wouldn't go for our date, Betty spoke childishly.

Jughead looked Betty from head to toe he realise she didn't put her in a ponytail but hair down.

Shall we go before I change my mind, Betty smirk.

Sure whatever you say princess, Jughead smiled entering the car. Betty look so beautiful Golden coloured dress with different textural design.

They were now in the restaurant making our reservation. They a sit and Make an order.

You look so beautiful I can look at you all day, Jughead whispered in Betty ear.

Stop Cole you making me nerve, Betty giggle

"I don't think so Cooper, you not the only who can seduces let me remind you lam a man,"Jughead flirting.

Jughead hands playing  with Betty hair when Betty crashed her lips with his.

We shouldn't be doing here, Betty giggle putting out of the kiss.

Betty mood changed suddenly but couldn't Jughead figured out why but he soon realise who or what made Betty look as if she has seen a ghost.

Her view and mind drifted from the world just her in a sociological mind state, every other things seized at  preportion but this eyes that view things could never forget the unbearable pain and heartbreak she went through but right there and now. Archie was standing in between row behind looking her with eyes he looked at her the day he told her, he loves her.

Betty got a little scared, when he walk forward to her direction. Jughead look a little bit longer at Betty to realised who she was looking at.

Jughead stood up from his sit and paid the bill and grabbed Betty hand  to leave. When he felt another hand stop him.

Betty please can we talk, Archie asked.

Betty didn't say she just look at Archie.

Jughead come between them and spoke.

"Let my girlfriend," I spoke.

Betty was shocked by my words. I didn't know why i said that but it just came out of my mouth.

But it didn't stop Archie from harassing Betty to talk to him.

All suddenly Betty punch him on the face and ran.

I look shock and ran after her.

Sorry this short I can of out of ideas lately. The next up date will be either be 10th of June or 11th June. if you guys have ideas please Comment and don't to vote. I will up load 4 chapters.

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