I Guess This Is Goodbye...

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Loki walks up to me and embraces me into a hug. I start crying into his shoulder and we return once again to our Jöunn forms.

Suddenly, the elevator door opens and I turn around to see my brother standing there with Thor.

"Come on Reindeer Games, you're going to Asgard where you will imprisoned for as long as daddy tells you to." Tony teases Loki.

"Wait. What?" I ask tears still streaming down my blue cheeks.

"Loki is coming to Asgard with me and he will remain there for as long as possible or for as long father wants him to." Thor says. "You might as well say your goodbyes now."

I look at Loki and tighten the hug and when we pull apart I plant a kiss on his cheek. "I guess this is goodbye then. Never forget me Laufeyson."

"I can never forget you.And you, never forget me Lady Stark." Loki says in response.

"How can I? Take the portrait with you, it'll be something to decorate your cell and it'll be there as a little reminder of me." I hand Loki the canvas.

"Thank you." Loki hands me the things he had borrowed. "Here's your book and notepad."

I give him a weak smile and Tony places cuffs on the mischievous one's wrists. Thor and Tony both take him out and walk off without me.

I open up the notepad to see a drawing of new that Loki drew when I painted his portrait. I smile and a single tear rolls down my cheek, which is now returning to its natural colour, and the tear lands on the page and leaves a small mark on the paper. I close the notepad and hug it close to me.

"Goodbye Loki. May we meet again."

My Midgardian Queen (LokiXReader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now