Take Me With You To Asgard

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I get up and walk out of my room as fast as possible and make my way to Thor's room. I walk up to the door and without knocking, I make my way inside.

"Take me to Asgard!" I demand.

"What?" Thor asks me confused.

"You hear me. Take me to Asgard." I pause. "Please."

"But why do you want to go?"

"I want to do two things. I want to see the sights and I want to tell your father, Odin, that Loki was actually a kind person and deserves to remembered as one of the good guys."

"But I've already told father that he died in honour and that he was doing the right thing."

I hear footsteps behind me and I turn around to see Tony and Steve. "Y/n, what going on here little sis?" Tony asks.

"She want me to take her to Asgard." Thor replies.

"Just take her. She probably has her reasons."

"And besides, it could be good for her and her mental health." Steve adds.

"And we can get her to finally stop talking about what's in her books." Tony says full of hope.

"Alright then. Let's go Lady Y/n."

My Midgardian Queen (LokiXReader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now