What's Going On?

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"Do you want to stay in the cell with Reindeer Games or do you want to come out here with me and the rest of the guys?" Tony asks me.

"You know I only get along with Steve and Thor." I reply.

"That doesn't answer my question!" Tony starts to get mad.

"I know it doesn't! That's the whole point!"

"Fine! I'll leave you in there until MY sister has returned because clearly she's not home at the moment!" And with that Tony walks off but turns JARVIS back on so I could communicate with the others.

"Older brothers am I right?" Loki speaks up.

"Tell me about it."

Loki opens his mouth as if he was about to say something but he closes it again before anything came out.

"What's wrong Loki? Silver tongue turned to lead?"

"It's nothing. Don't worry."

"Ok then."

I lay on the floor. "Is it ok if I fall asleep for a while? Promise me you won't try and do something bad. Or stupid... Please?"


I feel a smile grow on my face and I close my eyes a fall into a dream worthy sleep.


I hold Mjölnir in my hand and I am surrounded by luxury.


"Thor!" I shout. "Thor!"

He walks towards me and I pass his his trusty hammer. I am full of confusion. Why am I on Asgard? Where's Tony?

"Thor!" A distant voice calls. As the voice draws nearer it is revealed to be Loki.



The dream stops suddenly and I awake to see Steve standing by the cell's glass walls.

"Are you ok Y/n?" He asks.

I look at him confused. "Yeah. Of course I am. Never been better. Why do you ask?"

"You kept on yelling Loki and Thor's names."

"Oops. Sorry."

"You know if something happens you can trust me almost more than you can trust Tony."

"I know Steve. I am grateful for that. Can you get Tony to open the cell for me please? I need to talk to Thor."


"Thanks Steve!"

"No problem."

My Midgardian Queen (LokiXReader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now