Chapter One: Setting the Scale

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Paradise City - Present


Location: Yusho Duel School, inside second duel room

Yuya: (4000 LP) Alright Alec are you ready to try your first duel against me? Use everything you know about all the summoning methods to try and defeat me!

Alec: (4000 LP) I'll do my best.

Zuzu: Don't hold back Yuya, just cause he is a beginner doesn't mean you go easy!

Yuto: (To Yuya) Doesn't mean we completely destroy him either, it's a learning experience.

Yugo: I agree with him!

Yuri: (To all of them) Will you two shut up, it's time to duel!

Yuya: Thanks guys, alright it's my turn Alec! (Draw) I'm setting the Pendulum Scale with Scale One Stargazer Magician and Scale Eight Timegazer Magician! I'm taking control of this duel starting now! I can summon monsters level two through seven, swing far pendulum and carve the arc to victory! My monster is ready to swing into action, turn up the heat Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! (Atk: 2500)

Alec: It's your favorite monster. 

Yuya: He sure is! I set a facedown and call it good. Now Alec, wow the crowd!

Alec: I'll try! (Draw) 

Yugo: Man for just a kid he's got some spunk!

Alec: I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale Three Penguin Engineer and Scale Ten Penguin Wish Flipper. I can summon monsters level four through nine, I Pendulum summon my Penguin King Omega! (Atk: 1900) (Lv. 6)

Yuya: That's a solid monster there Alec!

Alec: I use King Omega's special effect, if it's special summoned I can discard one water attribute card from my field and give it's attack points to him! I remove my Penguin Wish Flipper from the pendulum zone and send it to the graveyard to power up King Omega! (Atk: 1900 - Atk: 3100)

Yuya: Not bad!

Alec: Now King Omega attack Odd-Eyes!

Gong: (Enters outside the duel field) Wow would you look at this Zuzu, Yuya is training another beginner, it makes Gong so proud. 

Zuzu: Yeah too bad it's not an action duel because Yuya is about to take some damage. 

Gong: Yuyas got this

Yuya: Agh Odd-Eyes. (3400 LP)

Alec: Alright I'm done now.

Yuya: Alright, cards don't fail me now! (Draw) Since I have the Pendulum Scale made I can now Pendulum Summon! Return Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! (Atk: 2500) And now welcome to the party Performapal Longphone Bull and Performapal Second Donkey! (LVL. 4) (Atk: 1600) (Atk: 1000)

Alec: Two level four monsters?

Yuya: Yeah! I overlay Second Donkey and Longphone to build the overlay network! I XYZ summon Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon! (Atk: 2500) (OLU: 2) 

Alec: An XYZ summon, woah.

Yuya: I use Dark Rebellion's special ability to cut your monster's ATK in half and add it to Dark Rebellion!

Alec: No! (Atk: 1550)

Yuya: Power up Dark Rebellion! (Atk: 4050) Now Odd-Eyes will attack King Omega!

Alec: No!

Yuya: And since it's level five or higher Odd-Eyes deals double the damage!

Alec: Agh! (2100 LP)

Yuya: Dark Rebellion attack Alec directly and win!

Alec: Agh! (0 LP) 

"Wow that was amazing." Alec says.

"Sorry to beat you so soon Alec, I just got so pumped up." Yuya shakes his head.

"You're okay teach, pick this up next week?" Alec asks.

"Yeah no problem. Have a nice weekend." Yuya exits the duel field with Alec, Alec runs down the hall to his locker while Yuya stays and talks with Zuzu and Gong.

"That was mighty good Yuya, Gong is proud." Gong says.

"Pretty nice moves, but we've seen those before." Zuzu says.

"Thanks guys, it means a lot to try and raise more good duelists. Duelists that can do more than just Pendulum too, Synchro, Fusion and XYZ summon as well.

"Gong wonders, have you traveled to the other dimensions recently?"

"No, why Gong?"

"Declan was talking about something earlier to us before we came down here, something about an issue in the XYZ dimension or something." 

"I've got to go check it out then." Yuya turns on his roller boots.

"Be safe, and come back please!" Zuzu asks.

Yuya hugs Zuzu and then rolls away, "I'll be back soon guys, promise!" 

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