Chapter Seven: The Forbidden One

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The three members of Obelisk Force guides Yuya through the fortress of Duel Academy to the top level of the building where they wait outside a set of chrome doors. 

"You continue, we must stay outside." One said as they stepped aside.

"Why can't you guys enter?" Yuya asks.

"Obelisk Force was never allowed into the Professor's laboratory ever since I was a young lad." Yuri says.

"I see." Yuya opens one of the doors and steps inside. 

He is greeted by Leo Akaba, president of Duel Academy. 

"Yuya Sakaki." He says, sitting in his throne down a long hallway. 

"Mr. Akaba. It's been awhile." Yuya starts walking towards him. The sides of the hall dark and only the path to his throne is lit. He walked along a red rug and behind the Professor's throne is where the Arc Project occurred.

"Yes it has, ever since our run-in with Zarc." He taps his finger. "What is it that you need?" 

"It's come to my attention that people from here and XYZ are in a war in the XYZ dimension. To stop that I needed to come here and have you make a document saying you won't harm their dimension again." Yuya says.

"Such bold demands, yet the noble adventure. See Yuya I saw this meeting happening. Ever since I told Declan about this confrontation in XYZ I knew he would get you the message, you would travel to Heartland City and then they would force you here. I also knew you were coming because Kite Tenjo and Shay Obsidian haven't been on the grid lately attacking my soldiers." Leo says.

"I don't care about how you knew I was coming, I need you to make this document!" Yuya says.

"Yes, a document assuring their safety yes? Well all I can say Yuya is I will fill this request of yours on one condition." Leo says.

"Name it and it's yours. I want all dimensional conflict to stop!"

"You must beat my most talented student in the academy." He grins.

"Not a problem. Get your pen ready Leo!" Yuya says.

"Don't be so confident young one. I will ease the minds of XYZ so they can stop conflict if you can beat my duelist, Slade." Leo says.

"Okay before the duel against this Slade guy, Leo tell me why you won't stop it now? Your students are out there fighting." Yuya asks.

"Honestly because it's not my dimension. They're just destroying their home I wanted to help rebuild so I will let them destroy my kindness. Plus If I did I wouldn't get to see this duel." Leo looks past Yuya and see a Obelisk Blue student with short black hair and ash gray eyes enter the room.

Yuya whips around to see the duelist approaching.

"You must be Slade." Yuya says.

"Correct, you must be Yuya Sakaki from the Pendulum Dimension. I was sent to take care of you." 

"What do you mean take care of?" Yuya asks.

"See once you lose this match Mr. Akaba will then kick you out of this meeting and then he will send in more forces to destroy XYZ." 

"Why are you doing this Leo!?" Yuya yells.

"Because Yuya, I have lost everything I have except this Academy so I will use it's forces to seize XYZ for myself!" Leo says.

"I won't let it happen!" Yuya turns on his duel disk.


Slade: (4000 LP) 

Yuya: (4000 LP) 

Leo: Let the duel commence! 

Yuya: (Draw) Alright Slade, I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale One Stargazer Magician and Scale Eight Timegazer Magician. I'm taking control of this duel starting now! I can summon monsters from level two through seven all at the same time. My monster is ready to swing into action! Appear and turn up the heat Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! (Atk: 2500) I end with one card face down.

Slade: Feeble moves. I've done lots of studying on you Yuya, and you wont defeat me without that lost power! (Draw) I activate Foolish Burial to send The Left Leg of the Forbidden One to my graveyard.

Yuya: Forbidden One? Like a puzzle?

Yugo: No way!

Yuto: He has the rare and powerful Exodia in his deck Yuya!

Yuri: Slade was always the best, sometimes even better than I. I struggled keeping up with him.

Yuya: We can't beat him with our lost power? Does he mean Zarc?

Slade: Next I play the card Hand Destruction! Now we both discard two cards and re-draw.

Yuya: Ah man.

Slade: Next I activate One Day of Peace. This allows us each to draw a card and then no battle damage will occur until my next standby phase. Next I will summon Right Arm of the Forbidden One and then I will sacrifice it to special summon Exodia Incarnate! (Atk: ?) 

Yuya: What is that?!

Slade: Exodia Incarnate gets 1000 ATK for each Exodia piece in my graveyard. I have two total right now! (Atk: 2000) Next I lay three face downs. I end my turn.

Yuya: Exodia is a card combo that you need all the pieces in your hand, why send them to the graveyard? (Draw) I gotta get rid of this Incarnate. Okay Odd-Eyes attack his Exodia! 

Slade: I activate my trap card Obliterate! I send my Left Arm of the Forbidden One to the graveyard and send Odd-Eyes back to your hand. 

Yuya: Oh man!

Slade: And Exodia Incarnate gets a power boost! (Atk: 3000) 

Yuto: That didn't work at all!

Yuri: And this is just the start, Yuya you stand no chance.

Yuya: Yuri why don't you just help me?

Yuri: Because Yuya I have no idea how  to help you. His plans are so mapped out I can't beat him.

Yuya: Alright I use my Pendulum Scale to summon Odd-Eyes back in defense mode! (Def: 2000) 

Slade: (Draw) I activate Obliterate to send Odd-Eyes to your hand.

Yuya: Odd-Eyes!

Slade: Doing this I have to send Left Leg of the Forbidden One to the graveyard. (Atk: 4000) Exodia Incarnate attack Yuya now!

Yuya runs around and grabs an Action Card.

Yuya: I activate Evasion!

Slade: You won't get away that quickly Yuya. I activate Dark World Dealings. We both must draw a card and discard one. I send Exodia The Forbidden One to my graveyard! (Atk: 5000) Now I activate the spell Contract with Exodia. Since I have all five pieces in my graveyard I can special summon Exodia Necross! (Atk: 1800) Now by sending all monsters from my deck into my graveyard I special summon Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord! (Atk: ?) 

Yuya: He has Exodia Incarnate, Necross and now a Exodius?

Yugo: Ah man we're toast.

Slade: I end my turn Yuya. (Atk: 0) (Atk: 1800) (Atk: 0)

Yuya: (Draw) Okay guys, we need to make something happen now otherwise the entire XYZ dimension is going to be destroyed!

Yugo: Full steam ahead!

Yuto: We're with you.

Yuri: Let's get it.

Yuya: You're going down Slade, right now!

To be continued

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