Chapter Nineteen: Counsel of Fates - Part One

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Yuya makes his way to the elevator undetected, staying close to crowds of students. He slips into the elevator and quickly shuts the elevator door and presses the number 20 on the selection of floor buttons.  

"Twenty is the highest, it must be their hideout." Yuya says.

"I think there will be company though." Yuto says.

"I think we will be fine." Yuya says and then Yuto takes control of his body, making Yuya's appearance fade and Yuto's visible.

"Yuto! Why did you step in?" Yuya asks.

"Because of this." Yuto says as they reach the top level. 

 The elevator door opens and Yuto punches the two security guards standing outside the door.

"Look at him go." Yuri laughs.

Yuto steps out of the elevator to a long white corridor he begins walking down. 

"This counsel, how many of them are there?" Yugo asks.

"There is five elite members, that's what Drax said." Yuto answers.

"We already beat Drax so there is four others." Yuya says.

"So you plan having a 1 v 4 duel?" Yuri asks.

"We will do whatever it takes to save the world." Yuto replies.

"We will be completely out-numbered." Yuya mentions.

Yuto comes up to a tall door at the end of the passageway. He pushes the door and it creeps open, revealing a wide room with a circle of five people sitting in chairs. 

"Ah, it is Yuya Sakaki's XYZ self, Yuto." One said.

All five counsel members wore light gray cloaks, one on the end lifted his hood and Yuya recognized him.

"Drax!" Yuya says.

"Yes, the member of Ragnarok to lose to you. You will now face the rest of the counsel Mr. Sakaki." The man in the middle chair says.

"Then lets get started!" Yuto activates Yuya's duel disk.

"Yuto I got this," Yuya repossesses his body, and natural appearance. 

"Be careful." Yugo, Yuto and Yuri say.

"I believe we shall begin the final duel," One counsel member says.

"As we predicted all along." Another says.

"Cut the talk, it's time to settle this once and for all!" Yuya activates his duel disk. 

"Time for you to meet the other four members of the Ragnarok Counsel." Drax stands up. 

One by one as Drax says their name, the other counsel members stand to remove their hood and activate their futuristic duel disks. 

"You have me, Drax, and then we have Kae, the female counsel member of Ragnarok." 

"This duel will be your last." Kae rose.

"Then we have Clutch!" Drax pointed to the tallest and heaviest member. 

"Then we have Ramsey." The fourth member stood.

"Finally we have Koga." The fifth member gradually stood.

"The five members of Ragnarok will dismiss you, Yuya Sakaki from interfering with our plans and we will rule all the dimensions for lifetimes to come!" Clutch says.

"All your duel disks are on, so lets duel!" Yuya barks.


Yuya: (4000 LP) 

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