Chapter Sixteen: The Past Kings

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XYZ Dimension - Present

"What are you going to do next Yuya?" Yuri asks.

"I don't know what to do, I don't know where or when they went." Yuya replies.

"They must have retreated to their own time." Shay says.

"That's not a bad idea, their base of operations can be in the future so we can't get there." Kite grunts.

"You guys need to go back inside and rest." Yuya orders.

"Okay, but Yuya you need to be careful alright?" Shay asks.

"I promise Shay." Yuya says as they return inside the damaged bunker.

"How can we stop an organization from the future if we are in their past?" Yugo asks.

"We have to time travel." Yuto recommends.

"How do you expect us to do that?" Yuri asks.

"Well if Leo Akaba was in cahoots with them, he must have a time altering device of sorts." Yuto says.

"Good idea." Yuya turns the gears on his watch.

Fusion Dimension - Present

Yuya enters Leo's domain inside the academy from a wormhole.

"Yuya, back so soon?" Declan asks.

"Leo, do you have any way to time travel?" Yuya asks.

"I do from Ragnarok, but why?" Leo asks.

"I beat one of their counsel members, Drax and he must have gone back to his time so I need to follow him!" Yuya says.

"Well I do have a time gate in the locked basement below. Declan shall accompany us." Leo gets up out of his throne and leads Declan and Yuya through the academy. 

Leo, Declan and Yuya travel fifteen stories of the academy building to then enter a secret passage in the wall that takes them into a concrete room with a giant ring and control panels beside it.

"This is where they built my time traveling machine in case I needed to escape." Leo says.

"They can time travel by themselves, they have these series of buttons and switches on this metal belt." Yuya says.

"They're from the future Yuya, don't be surprised by much." Leo starts pushing buttons on the control panels. 

"Yuya, I advise you seek help in taking down this group of Ragnarok, it will be nearly impossible for you to defeat them alone." Declan begins typing on the panels with Leo.

"Who do you think I should get on my team?" Yuya asks.

"There have been countless heroes over history Yuya, I advise a master in Fusion summoning. Like Jaden Yuki." Leo says.

"Jaden who?" Yuya asks.

"Jaden Yuki is a duelist from the Fusion dimension decades ago and was the second best duelist in the world. The first was Yugi Moto." Leo continues configuring.

"Alright, so jump back in time to find a Jaden Yuki?" Yuya asks.

"Correct, he uses a very Fusion dependent deck. Now with going back in time Yuya, until you reach the future I would hold off on XYZ, Synchro and Pendulum summoning. It could reconfigure the timeline." Leo says.

"Jaden will see me do those summoning methods when we save the world anyway, so why does it matter?" Yuya asks.

"Because we will have the technology to wipe his mind of all of this when he enters our era. All you need to do is recruit him for the job and get the job done." Leo then presses a green button that activates a blue wormhole in the giant ring.

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