Chapter Five: Rise Up!

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Yuya follows behind Shay and Kite while walking through Heartland City, the city that's slowly crumbling.

"We're going to hit up each one of our rebellion bunkers and call it off." Shay says.

"Then after that we will head over to everyone else on Duel Academy's side to call off warfare. 

"So guys, It's just going to end like that?" Yuya asks.

"Yep, here's one of the last bunkers we have now." Shay directs them to an old arcade building, closed for business.

They enter the dim-lit arcade building to see a small fire built with a bunch of civilians standing, sitting and dueling each other around the room. 

"Where is Nina?" Kite asks the group. 

"I'm right here Kaito." Nina, a taller brunette woman appears by the fire, says.

"Ah Nina it's so good to see you." Shay smiles.

"You too, that means you haven't lost." Nina grins.

"About the whole mission, we are going to stop the fighting. It's not worth it Nina. Duel Academy is trying to fix their mistakes from before." Kite says.

"Emphasis on trying. We cannot trust Duel Academy Kaito you know this. Shay talk some sense into him." Nina asks.

"He's right Nina. We're going to rally all the other bases together to finish fighting. It's pointless to fight again just to have Heartland crumble." Shay says.

"Who is this young child?" Nina points at Yuya.

"My name is Yuya Sakaki and I am here to stop the fighting too." Yuya says.

"Ah yes Yuya Sakaki, aren't YOU the one who became Zarc and destroyed my city? So all this is your fault." Nina says.

"No Nina it's not his-" 

"Yes it is Kaito!" Nina interrupts. 

"It's not my fault!" Yuya yells.

"Then prove you're here to mean business." 

"How's that?" Yuya asks.

"A duel." Nina responds.


Nina: (4000 LP) 

Yuya: I really don't want to do this. (4000 LP) 

Shay: Be careful Yuya,

Kite: Yeah she's the best duelist here.

Yuya: I'm not afraid!

Nina: But you will be! (Draw) First from my hand I activate Polymerization!

Yuya: Polymerization?!

Kite: She knows all the methods Yuya.

Nina: I fuse two Cyber Dragons in my hand to Fusion summon Cyber Twin Dragon! (Atk: 2800) I end my turn with a face down. 

Yuya: Alright it's time to swing into action! (Draw) I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale One Performapal U Go Golem and Scale Eight Odd-Eyes Unicorn! 

Nina: Ah Pendulum.

Yuya: I can summon monsters level two through seven! Come on out Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon! (Atk: 2500) (Atk: 2500) Now I will overlay both of my Odd-Eyes Dragons to build the overlay network!

Kite: A Rank seven?

Shay: It's that dragon...

Yuya: I XYZ summon Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon! (Atk: 3000) 

Nina: I'm not impressed, a Kuriboh looks scarier than him.

Yuya: I'm not done yet Nina, I use Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon's special ability. Not only can he attack twice this turn but he can lose an overlay unit (OLU:1) and destroy all the cards you have!

Nina: Agh!

Yuya: Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon also gets 200 ATK for each! (Atk: 3400) Now Raging Dragon attack Nina directly!

Nina: Oof. (600 LP) 

Yuya: Use your second attack and end this duel, Dual Raging Flare!

Nina: I activate the quick-play spell Urgent XYZ! This allows me to XYZ summon a monster from my extra deck equal with equal ATK of damage I took this round. I XYZ summon Cyber Dragon Infinity! (Atk: 2100) and Urgent XYZ becomes an overlay unit and ends your battle phase! (OLU:1) 

Yuya: Lucky move, I end my turn.

Yuto: That was very thought out, she knows you Yuya.

Yuya: Yeah Yuto, that's what scares me.

Nina: (Draw) I use Cyber Infinity's effect so Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon becomes an overlay unit! (OLU:3) 

Yuya: No way! You stole my XYZ and his overlay units!

Nina: Cyber Dragon Infinity will attack Yuya directly!

Yuya: Agh! (1900 LP) Not cool!

Nina: Your turn Yuya.

Yuya: (Draw) Alright this comes down to this turn! 

Yuto: Yuya lets end this.

Yuya: I agree. I use my Pendulum Scale to summon these two monsters, Performapal Silver Claw and Performapal Gold Fang. Then I overlay my two furry friends to build the overlay network and XYZ summon Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon! (Atk: 2500)

Nina: Hmm.

Yuya: And since you know so much I will use Dark Rebellion's effect, to halve Infinity's ATK and add it to him! 

Nina: (Atk: 1050)

Yuya: (Atk: 3550) Dark Rebellion attack and destroy Cyber Dragon Infinity!

Nina: Gah. (0 LP) 

"No way, Yuya beat Nina like it was nothing." Kite says.

"With no help thanks to Yuto." Yuya says.

"Yeah no problem." Yuto grunts.

"You okay Yuto?" Yuya asks.

"Yeah, it's just that Dark Rebellion has been used a lot lately Yuya and I'm just a little tired is all."

"Then how about you chill out and relax!" Yugo says.

"Alright Mr. Sakaki, show us the way to a peaceful transition." Nina says.

"Gladly." Yuya smirks.

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