Chapter Fifteen: Setting the Stage

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Yuya flies out of a purple wormhole into the XYZ dimension, while riding his roller boots. He coasts through the empty streets of Heartland City to then stop at the bunker where Shay and Kite were with their captain. Yuya enters inside to see Shay and Kite, laying on the ground looking beat up. 

"Shay, Kite! What happened?" Yuya panics.

"While you were at Duel Academy there were more duelists that overran our bunkers and captured our captains." Kite says.

"Why aren't you gone then too?" Yuya asks.

"Because of the Ragnarok." Shay groans.

"Ragnarok? I just met this lady that works for them. They're time travelers from the future Fusion dimension." Yuya explains.

"Yuya Sakaki, I knew you would be here." A booming voice said from behind him. 

Behind Yuya, and outside the bunker, was a tall beefy man in a white cloak with a purple visor over his eyes. 

"Who are you?!" Yuya exits the bunker.

"I am on the counsel of Ragnarok, I am Drax." He said.

"There is a counsel of you?" Yuya is astonished. 

"Yes, there is a counsel of the five elite members and then we have all our  following members to carry out the dirty work." Drax says.

"Where is your leader?!" Yuya asks.

"The counsel is the leader. Our objective is clear." He says.

"Your objective is to make Leo Akaba re-control the four dimensions just so you guys can have absolute power!" Yuya shouts.

"We will rule in the future, my present, if we unite the four dimensions. You do not understand that the dimensions will divide and begin warfare and destroy the universe!" Drax explains.

"You'll be taking away people's freedoms if you rule the whole universe." Yuya says.

"A little price to pay, for order." Drax says.

"That's not right!" Yugo says.

"Ah Yugo." Drax says.

"Wait, you can see him?" Yuya asks.

"Apparently so." Yuri appears too.

"Who are you?" Yuya asks.

"I am from the future, there are members of the counsel that share souls with others. Yours is inhabited by the other three versions of you Yuya Sakaki. I once met a duelist from past Duel Academy that shared a soul with a monster." Drax says.

"You won't get away with your plan!" Yuto says.

"You can all try and stop us but I know the future, and you will not succeed." Drax says.

"You know a possible outcome of the future, but we will change it!" Yuya activates his duel disk.

"Yuya dont!" Kite stumbles out of the bunker with Shay.

"Kite! Shay! Stay inside!" Yuya says.

"Yuya, you don't stand a chance against him, nobody else did." Shay says.

"Everyone else?" Yugo questions.

"I defeated all of the other XYZ soldiers and the Fusion soldiers. All that's left is us and maybe some hiding citizens." Drax activates his duel disk. 

"Drax! You will pay for what you've done!" Yuri screams.

"Prove it then." Drax smirks.


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