Chapter Two: Civil War

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Yuya arrives at the Leo Dueling Institute in the downtown area. As soon as he turns off his roller boots and walks in the front doors, he is greeted by Declan Akaba. 

"Oh hey Declan, I was just on my way to see you." Yuya says.

"I know Yuya, I told Gong to send you here remember?" He says.

"Right, what ya need?" Yuya responds.

"There is conflict in the XYZ dimension right now, causing a civil war with the citizens. The ones that back the efforts of Fusion and those that don't. I figured you could unite them like you did in Synchro a couple years ago."

"I can certainly try, Fusion is still rebuilding in XYZ?"

"Yes, along with their own home."

"Ah man, I'm so sorry for everything that happened while I was Zarc." 

"No time for feeling sorry for the past Yuya, you've learned how to control all your power from all the other versions of you. I will show you to the Dimension Wormhole." Declan lead Yuya to an elevator and took them to the basement level named "B3".  

When arrived at the level B3 Declan enters a code into a keypad to enter the room. The elevator door opened and then in the middle of this stone cold room was a bunch of tech and a giant wormhole concealed in a circular ring.

"Go through this to go to any dimension. Also take this." Declan equips a small red watch onto Yuya's wrist.

"This will allow you to open wormholes to return here, or to go to the other dimensions." Declan says.

"Thanks Declan, I wont let you down!" Yuya turns on his roller boots and zooms off into the wormhole, with his deck loaded into his duel disk. 

Heartland City - XYZ Dimension

Yuya appears at the top of a building in the city. 

"This place seems a lot more built now, but still a lot more to do." Yuya says.

"Don't beat yourself up Yuya, we're here for one thing." Yuto says.

"You're right, to unite the people in XYZ." Yuya jumps off the building and wheels around on the ground. 

Yuya skates around on the streets until he sees a duel happening in a huge crater outside of town. 

"There's a duel happening, while standing in a big hole in the ground?" Yugo says.

"Check it out." Yuri says.

Yuya wheels down into the crater to see Shay dueling two civilians.


Shay: (2900 LP) Now I overlay all three of my Raidraptor Vanishing Lanius's to build the overlay network and XYZ summon Raidraptor Rise Falcon! (Atk: 100)

Civilian 1: (4000 LP) He's all bark and no bite! My Tornado Shark is way scarier. (Atk: 2950)

Civilian 2: Yeah and my Augustus Queen. (Atk: 2400) 

Shay: I use Rise Falcon's ability to use one overlay unit to absorb the attack of all your monsters! (Atk: 5450) And I will use it two more times! (Atk: 16150) 

Civilian 2: Ug we're sorry!

Shay: There is no sorry for traitors! I use the spell card Hit or Miss. This spell activates and allows me to halve my LP to have Rise Falcon attack a second time. (1450 LP) Now Rise Falcon will destroy you both!

Civilian 1: Agh! (0 LP)

Civilian 2: Gah! (0 LP)

Yuya: Shay!

Shay: Go away Yuya, this isn't your business.

Yuya: I was sent to help make peace Shay. You don't have to punish them for not seeing eye-to-eye with you.

Shay: They support Duel Academy's help and I don't. Because of them you became Zarc and my home was destroyed.

Yuya: I won't let you hurt anymore people Shay, this is your final warning!

Shay: Then what's stopping you Yuya, cause I'm going right through you.

Yuya: (4000 LP) You won't beat me Shay. I will help you bring peace here but you need Fusion's help to fix Heartland.

Shay: (4000 LP) The main city is fixed, we can fix the outside by ourselves. 

Yuya: (Draw) I'll show you Shay! I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale Seven Performapal King Bear and Scale Two Performapal Drumerilla. I can summon monsters level three through six all at the same time, and my monsters are ready to swing into action! Appear Performapal Silver Claw and Performapal Salutiger! I overlay both of them to build the overlay network and XYZ Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon! (Atk: 2500) (OLU: 2) 

Shay: Predictable.

Yuya: I set two cards facedown Shay.

Shay: (Draw) And now Yuya you will be destroyed! You are my friend but you don't see it the way I do. The Fusion dimension is made of liars and destruction and I will throw them all out, with their supporters. I summon Raidraptor Vanishing Lanius. He allows me to summon another Raidraptor Vanishing Lanius and then I can also summon Raidraptor Fuzzy Lanius. 

Yuya: I my facedown spell, Foolish Barrial to  send Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon to my graveyard!

Shay: I now overlay all my Raidraptors to XYZ summon Raidraptor Rise Falcon! (Atk: 100) Now I'll use a overlay unit (OLU: 2) to take 2500 ATK from Dark Rebellion! (Atk: 2600) Now attack!

Yuya jumps on panels in the air to reach and action card.

Yuya: I play the Action Spell Miracle to save Dark Rebellion and halve the damage! (3950 LP) 

Shay: I set a facedown.

Yuya: (Draw) I play my facedown trap Pendulum Reborn! This revives Odd-Eyes from my graveyard! (Atk: 2500) Now I summon Performapal Trump Witch, but then I tribute her to add Polymerization to my hand. I now use Polymerization to fuse Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon with Stargazer Magician in my hand to Fusion summon Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! (Atk: 3000) Dark Rebellion attack Shay's Rise Falcon!

Shay: I use an overlay unit to use it's ability! (OLU:1) (Atk: 5600) 

Yuya: I use Dark Rebellion's ability! I use an overlay unit (OLU:1) to steal half of it's ATK! 

Shay: (Atk: 2800)

Yuya: (Atk: 5300) 

Shay: Agh! (1500 LP) 

Yuya: Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon attack Shay!

Shay: I use the Action Spell Evasion! To negate your attack!

Yuya: When did you pick up an Action Card? 

Shay: When you weren't looking, you gotta pay attention.

Yuya: Well it's your turn now Shay. 

Shay: And now Yuya, you will see my strength and your downfall!

Yuto: Don't be phased by Shay, he's hurting right now Yuya.

Yuya: Bring it Shay!

To be continued.

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