Chapter Fourteen: Ragnarok

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"Elaborate Leo!" Yugo yells.

"It's difficult to explain boys. I am taking over XYZ because I've been put up to the task." Leo says.

"What do you mean father?" Declan asks.

"What I'm saying is that invading XYZ isn't my idea, it never was my idea." Leo says.

"I find that hard to believe." Yugo snarls.

"Who can manipulate you?" Declan asks.

"Ragnarok." Leo whimpers.

"Ragnarok?" Yugo says blankly.

"Ragnarok is a clan in the future Fusion dimension." Leo says.

"The future?" Declan ponders.

"Alright we've had a supreme ruler try and destroy different dimensional planes but time travel? That is a bit of a stretch." Yugo says. 

"No it isn't. Time travel is in the realm of possibility. Ragnarok wants me to re-possess the four dimensions so it makes it easier for them in the future to become a team and have ever-lasting power." Leo says.

"So this Team Ragnarok alright, is using you as a puppet from the past to control the four dimensions. Why didn't they go farther back to prevent you from using the Arc-V reactor?" Declan asks.

"I have no idea." Leo says.

"So when are they showing up so we can beat them?" Yugo asks.

"I don't know how, what or when they will come." Leo says. 

"Stop there!" A white wormhole emerges in Leo's chambers and an assailant with a white cloak and a red masks emerges from the wormhole.

"What- or who is that?" Yuri blurts.

"Ragnarok." Leo says.

Yugo and Declan turn around to face the hooded assailant. 

"All you need to know is I am part of Ragnarok and I will stop you from ruining our future!" A strong female voice roars as she activates her futuristic duel disk. 

Yugo's appearance transforms back into Yuya's. 

"Alright Ms Mask then I guess I'll have to get through you!" Yuya says.

"I've got your back Yuya." Declan says.

"No Declan, I got this." Yuya activates his duel disk.


Yuya: (4000 LP) Alright you masked menace lets duel!

???: And duel we shall! (4000 LP) 

Yuya: I'll let you go, ladies first.

???: Quiet! (Draw) I activate the spell Future Fusion!

Yuya: Future what?

???: Now I summon Exploder Dragon in Attack mode! (Atk: 1000) I will end my turn with a face down card. 

Yuya: It's time to swing into action! (Draw) Alright it's time to see what his Ragnarok team is made of!

Yuri: Lets get it Yuya.

Yuto: We will cheer you on. 

Yugo: Put the peddle to the metal!

Yuya: Alright you masked wonder, I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale Two Performapal Gongato and Scale Eight Performapal Odd-Eyes Unicorn! 

???: Pendulum, so bland back then.

Yuya: Alright I Pendulum summon! Appear Performapal U-Go Golem and Performapal Uni! Now I overlay both of my level four monsters to build the overlay network and XYZ summon Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon! (Atk: 2500) Next I normal summon Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm! (Atk: 1800) Now Darkwurm will attack your Exploder Dragon!

???: When Exploder Dragon is sent to the graveyard, your monster goes with it!

Yuya: Fine but with Supreme King Darkwurm's effect I get to add a Gate card to my hand!

???: Zarc's gates. You have them?

Yuya: I sure do!

???: We are out of time now. 

Yuya: Dark Rebellion attack her directly!

???: I activate Defense Draw. This trap negates your attack and I get to draw a card! (Draw) 

Yuya: I guess I end my turn.

???: I must terminate you immediately! (Draw) Future Fusion's effect begins. I discard from my deck five Dragon type monsters to my graveyard. I set two face down cards and end my turn.

Yuya: That was quick, but I will stop you before whatever that spell does! (Draw) 

???: Actually you wont. I reveal the trap card, Ticking Time. This only allows you to have your Main Phase this turn, no Battle Phase or Main Phase 2. 

Yuto: She just stalled us.

Yuya: Ugh. I use my Pendulum Scale to return Performapal U-Go Golem and Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm! Darkwurm allows me to add the other Gate card to my hand now. I fuse together my two dark Pendulums to Fusion summon Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom! (Atk: 2800) I end my turn with a face down!

???: (Draw) Future Fusion now summons a Fusion monster from my Extra Deck with the cards I sent to the graveyard. I Fusion summon Five-Headed Dragon! (Atk: 5000) 

Yuri: Oh my.

Yugo: That monster has 5000 attack points!

Yuya: That's no good.

Leo: Yuya! Ragnarok is going to defeat you, run!

???: Leo Akaba! For your betrayal on us in the future we are taking your son, Declan Akaba!

Declan: I don't think so! 

Intrusion penalty, 2000 LP.

Declan: (2000 LP) 

???: Perfect, I don't have to duel you separately! Five-Headed Dragon destroy Declan!

Declan: I activate the Action Spell, Evasion. 

???: When did you pick that up?!

Declan: Before I joined, I'm not that dumb.

???: Agh! We're wasting time.

Yuya: For what? You're in a big hurry lady.

???: If I don't beat you here and now the chances of you succeeding will increase against us because the timeline changing.

Declan: Get ready for it to happen! (Draw) 


"What just happened?" Yuya asks. 

"I'm too late, I must return to help." She turns away and walks into a white wormhole she created instantly, then it vanishes.

"This time traveling thing is so weird." Yuya says.

"So does that mean they expect us to continue now with what we know now? What if that all was a set up to change events in their favor?" Declan says.

"Who knows Declan, but what I do know is that we need to get to XYZ, stop the fighting and find these Ragnarok folk." Yuya says.

"I will stay here while you go to XYZ Yuya." Declan says.

"Declan no, help Yuya." Leo says.

"He has the other three by his side, he will be safe. As for you father it is apparent why you were scared, losing me. I assure you that won't happen. These Ragnarok already shown me a taste of how they are dueling wise, impatient and I can use that to my advantage." Declan says.

"Declan you don't understand. Everything you say or do could already be pre-determined. They could have set all of this up just so they can get to you at a later date." Leo says.

"Well I don't care!" Yuya sets his watch for the XYZ dimension.

"Come back Yuya!" Declan says.

"I will!" Yuya then creates a purple wormhole from his watch, he then enters it to take him back to Heartland.

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