Chapter Six: Seeing Eye-to-Eye

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"Alright we will be having a holographic meeting with the other two bunkers in Heartland to address your proposal Yuya." Nina begins tampering with computer based things. 

"Perfect, then we can stop the warfare here in XYZ and then I can return home!" Yuya says.

"I wouldn't count on it Yuya." Shay says.

"Why's that Shay?"

"Cause Yuya, the other bunkers are way more into this war thing than we were. We were to take out any threats the other commanders said to take." Kite says.

"Alright the transmission is in." Nina steps back and two separate holograms appear, two older men in suits standing.

"What is with the sudden meeting Captain Nina?" One asks.

"Sir we have someone with a propaganda for you." Nina says.

"I'm going to pretend what that means, but my name is Yuya Sakaki and I want war to stop here in Heartland. I wan't to accomplish this by letting the Duel Academy staff and faculty finish repairing the city." Yuya states.

"No not at all!" The other answers.

"I know you guys think since they destroyed your city once they'll do it again but that's not the case guys. They want to try and fix their wrongs." Yuya replies.

"That is a fair statement mister uh, Sakaki was it? If you can get a deed from Professor Akaba from Fusion I will gladly stop attacking. Until then I believe there is nothing more to discuss. Meeting terminated." And then the holograms faded.

"Well Yuya, what now?" Shay asks.

"Only one choice, to go to Duel Academy and talk to Leo Akaba." Yuya says.

"You're going to need backup if there is anything sketchy that happens." Kite says.

"No I will be fine guys, you need to stay here and protect your home. I'll be back soon with that deed, I promise!" Yuya taps on his black wrist watch. It opens up a dimensional panel. Yuya presses the "Fusion" button on it and it opens a small wormhole in front of him for a short period of time.

"Be careful Yuya!" Nina says.

"I will, I'll be back soon!" Yuya then turns and walks into the wormhole. 

Fusion Dimension - Academy Island

Yuya appears on the beach of Academy Island and is greeted by a small group of Obelisk Force.

"Halt! Do you have permission to arrive here?" One asks.

"Uh no, can I schedule a meeting?" Yuya asks.


OF(Obelisk Force)1: We will not let you pass!

OF2: Correct!

OF3: You must defeat us in a duel!

Yuya: I don't have time for this guys!

OF1: You will if you want to see Leo Akaba. (4000 LP)

OF2: Correct, we will all share 4000 LP.

Yuya: (4000 LP) Fine with me.

OF3: Start this duel!

OF1: I draw (Draw) I summon Ancient Gear Hunting Hound! (Atk: 1000) I end my turn.

OF2: (Draw) I will also summon Ancient Gear Hunting Hound! My Hound deals you 600 points of damage!

OF1: Same with mine!

OF3: (Draw) I summon Ancient Gear Hunting Hound so you will take another 600 damage!

Yuya: Agh! (1600 LP)

OF3: I end my turn. We will finish you next turn.

Yuya: Not likely. (Draw) Alright I will beat you all at your own game! I use the spell Odd-Eyes Fusion! I will fuse Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and Stargazer Magician in my hand to Fusion summon Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! (Atk: 3000) Next I activate the spell card Runar Eclipse! Every time that Rune-Eyes attacks he gains one more attack if he deals damage. And since I used a level five or higher Spellcaster monster to fusion summon him he already gets three attacks! Rune-Eyes attack all their Hounds!

OF1,2,3: Gah! (2000 LP) 

Yuya: And now because of Runar Eclipse since I destroyed your monsters and dealt you damage I get one final attack! Go Rune-Eyes!

OF1,2,3: Agh! (0 LP) 

"Wow Yuya you destroyed Obelisk Force." Yuri compliments.

"They're getting worse in their age." Yugo says.

"Alright, I'd like to go see Leo Akaba!" Yuya demands.

"Okay, right this way." They lead Yuya off the beach and toward the ginormous building that is Duel Academy. 

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