Chapter Nine: Dual Sided

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Yugo and Yuto pace around Yuya's laying body, inside his mind's consciousness. 

"I can't believe he lost to an Exodia deck." Yugo says.

"I know, Slade knows what's in our deck. We had no surprises for him at all." Yuto says.

"You must unlock the power." A dark voice roars.

"I thought it was just us here in Yuya's mind." Yugo says.

"I did too, who is there?" Yuto says.

"You know who, The part of you all that has what it takes to win at all costs." 

"Zarc?" Yugo raises an eyebrow.

"Correct, see Yugo you aren't that dumb." Zarc's voice says.

"Zarc how are you here?" Yuto asks.

"I never left, I am a part of you and you are a part of me."

"You destroyed the dimensions!" Yugo says.

"Technically we all did, and I am behind it now. I would rather help you fools than have us be carded by Leo Akaba." 

"Why do you want to help us all of a sudden?" Yuto asks.

"Because my existence is fading Yuto and I need to pass on my skills to you." 

"Skills?" Yugo asks.

"All the cards and strategies I used on that day were nearly flawless and I have the firepower you need in your decks in order to defeat anyone." Zarc says.

"Yeah but it'll make us crazy with power." Yugo says.

"I was crazy with power yes, but now it is important that I give you this power before I am gone forever." Zarc appears before them with a duel disk.

"You wanna duel?" Yugo asks.

"Yes. And when you both defeat me I can release all my power into you to continue your quest how you see fit." Zarc says.

"I just can't believe you." Yugo says.


Zarc: I'm not asking you to believe me but I am here to help you. (4000 LP)

Yugo: (4000 LP) 

Yuto: (4000 LP) I'll take your word for it Zarc, just so you will be gone forever.

Zarc: (Draw) I set the Pendulum Scale with Supreme King Gate Infinity (Scale 13) and Supreme King Gate Zero (Scale 0)! I can now summon monsters level one through twelve. I now special summon two Supreme King Dragon Darkwurms and Supreme King Dragon Odd-Eyes! (Atk: 1800) (Atk: 1800) (Atk: 2500) I now fuse my two Darkwurm's to Fusion summon Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom! (Atk: 2800) 

Yuto: Well then.

Yugo: Quite the opening.

Zarc: This is the power you will have access to. Just defeat me. I end my turn. 

Yugo: That's all huh? Just gotta beat you. (Draw) 

Yuto: Alright Yugo he isn't messing around and neither are we. Zarc has made the argument that we will need his strength to defeat Leo and Slade.

Yugo: I got this! When I control no monsters I can special summon Speedroid Terrortop! (Atk: 1200) Now when I control a WIND attribute monster I can special summon from my hand Speedroid Taketomborg! (Atk: 600) Now I normal summon my Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice! (Atk: 100) 

Yuto: You're all set Yugo!

Yugo: I use my Red-Eyed Dice to tune my Terrortop and my Taketomborg! (Lvl 3 + 3 + 1 = 7) I Synchro summon Clear Wing Synchro Dragon! (Atk: 2500) 

Yuto: Nice!

Zarc: Ah it's nice to see a familiar face!

Yugo: Yes it is, (grunts) alright now with that I throw a face down and end my turn.

Yuto: Yugo are you alright?

Yugo: Yeah, I just got that weak feeling again with Clear Wing out on the field.

Zarc: Ah the weak feeling. That happens a lot when you share a body with someone else.

Yugo: Why doesn't Yuya feel that?

Zarc: Yuya is the main host of his body. His spirit is split between You, Yuri, Yuto and I. Hopefully with me gone and you all gaining my strength that weakness will fade.

Yuto: We gotta tough this out Yugo! (Draw) I use the spell Double Summon so I can now summon two of my Phantom Knights of Cloven Helm! (Atk: 1500) Now I overlay both of my Phantom Knights to build the overlay network and XYZ summon Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon! (Atk: 2500) I use Dark Rebellion's ability on your Starving Venom, by getting rid of an overlay unit he cuts Starving Venom's ATK in half and adds it to himself!

Zarc: (Atk: 1400) 

Yuto: (Atk: 3900) Dark Rebellion attack and destroy Starving Venom!

Zarc: (1500 LP) 

Yuto: Alright I end my turn.

Zarc: (Draw) I use my Pendulum Scale to return both of my Supreme King Dragon Darkwurms. Now I overlay them both to build the overlay network and XYZ summon Supreme King Dragon Dark Rebellion! (Atk: 2500) 

Yuto: It's Dark Rebellion's other form.

Zarc: The form you can unlock if you beat me! Dark Rebellion attack Clear Wing Synchro Dragon! 

Yugo: I activate my face down! 

Zarc: Before you do I use Dark Rebellion's effect to bring your Clear Wing's ATK to zero and he gains his ATK! (Atk: 5000 LP) 

Yugo: I use the trap card Speedroid Shuriken Hurricane! This activates when your monster's ATK changes. You will now take damage equal to that change!

Zarc: Very clever. (0 LP) 

"That seems easier than it should've been." Yuto says.

"You guys needed to win in order for me to pass these along to you." Zarc handed over all the "Supreme King" cards from his deck for Yuto and Yugo to hold.

"When Yuya awakens you will give him these and you guys will be strong enough to beat Leo, I know it for sure. Just be careful of one thing." Zarc's presence starts to wither away.

"What is it?" Yuto asks.

"I knew there was a catch!" Yugo says.

"Try and not get angry, it will consume you and it will-" And then Zarc was cut off as his existence in Yuya's spirit was forever lost.

"Zarc is finally gone." Yugo says. 

"Yeah, Yuya is out cold still. We should check up on Yuri." Yuto says. 

Duel Academy - Twenty Minutes Before

Yuri wakes up leaned up against a wall, his appearance displaying instead of Yuya's. 

"Ah Yuri you have finally decided to say hi." Leo says from his chair.

"Can it you bald windbag." Yuri stands up.

"I appear to have stroke a nerve." Leo says.

"Yes when you put Yuya in a coma." Yuri slants his eyebrows. 

"You're lucky that you were able to control Yuya's body. I guess that means the others can too." Leo says.

"I can't hear Yugo and Yuto right now, something is wrong." Yuri mumbles.

"Well Yuri follow orders, leave this place and don't return and let me carry out my plan to seize the XYZ dimension and I won't turn you into a card." Leo says.

"Quite the compelling offer you got there. I will leave for now but I guarantee you that we will be back to stop your plan!" Yuri walks toward the doors.

"Yes but to stop me you'll have to beat Slade." Leo laughs.

"Already working on a plan. Something tells me that's what Yugo an Yuto are doing right now."  

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