Chapter Twenty-One: Legacy

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Fusion Dimension - Present

Yuya and Jaden appear back in Leo Akaba's lab in the basement of Duel Academy, only minutes after they left.

"Yuya, Jaden?" Leo questions.

"You've only been gone a few minutes, what happened?" Declan asks.

"Nothing, we just defeated the Ragnarok Counsel together!" Jaden throws up his thumb. 

"Explain how you defeated all five of them in a matter of three minutes?" Leo asks.

"I can't explain. We went there and then everything began to break and crumble after we won." Yuya explains.

"His watch must have brought him to this point in time for a reason." Declan says.

"Well as long as you defeated them we can go back to fixing the other problems." Leo says.

"Like?" Yuya asks.

"First, by sending Jaden Yuki back to his Duel Academy and then we need to stop this civil war in the XYZ dimension." Leo says.

"Hold up, I want to help!" Jaden says.

"When I went to XYZ and met Drax for the first time there was nobody left except for Shay and Kite." Yuya says.

"Because Drax removed them from existence, but since Drax is now gone they should all be returned." Leo says.

"Let me help out!" Jaden says.

"Unfortunately we cannot have you deal in these affairs due to the timeline." Declan pushes up his glasses.

"But I went to the future!" Jaden argues.

"Yes but that future is no longer a reality but right now is, if you get involved you can change the future by changing the past, well, your present." Leo says.

"Fine. Good luck Yuya, Yuto and you other two." Jaden smiles.

"Adjusting the time zone warp." Declan presses a few buttons. 

"Alright Jaden, step through the warp hole now, It will take you back to the duel you were in before Yuya talked to you." Leo says.

"Will I remember this?" Jaden asks.

"Maybe in a dream, but you will have no conscious remembrance of this adventure, but we do thank you for your help." Leo says. 

"No problem." Jaden says and then Winged Kuriboh makes a sound from Jaden's deck.

"Winged Kuriboh, we're going home now buddy." Jaden then stepped through the warp hole and returned to his timeline.

"Good-bye Jaden." Yuri mumbles.

"Alright Yuya, it's time for us to head to XYZ to stop the civil war once and for all!" Declan says.

"Us?" Yuya asks.

"I will accompany you yes, just to make sure you have backup if you need it." Declan responds.

"Alright Declan, lets go and save Heartland City!" Yuya says.

XYZ Dimension - Present

Yuya and Declan appear inside the bunker Shay and Kite are hiding in.

"Kite, Shay!" Yuya shouts.

"Hey Yuya." Kite groans.

"You're both still injured." Declan observes.

"I went and took care of those Ragnarok fellas." Yuya says.

"Good, but once you did everyone just suddenly appeared back and continued fighting. This place is a war-zone." Shay says.

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