Chapter Ten: Settling The Score

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Yuto and Yugo appear beside Yuri as he exits Leo Akaba's laboratory. 

"Yuri!" Yugo shouts.

"Ah there you two are, I was wondering where you went." Yuri starts walking down the halls of Duel Academy. 

"Zarc was inside Yuya's mind Yuri." Yuto says

"That's impossible. We sealed him away months ago." Yuri snarls.

"He was there, Yugo and I took him on in a duel." Yuto replies.

"And I suppose you won?" Yuri asks.

"Of course!" Yugo blurts.

"And what was the point of that?" Yuri asks.

"Zarc gave us some of his power, sharing the cards he had." Yuto says.

"Hmm, the other forms of our dragons, and a couple of his own trickery cards. I like it." Yuri laughs.

"We got to relax, wake up Yuya and take down Slade so we can get to Akaba." Yuto says.

"All in good time, first off there's a score to settle." Yuri says.

"With who?" Yugo asks.

"You'll see." Yuri grins, continuing to walk through the Academy halls.

About ten minutes later Yuri enters a duel field inside the Academy on the second floor, inside he spots one of Duel Academy's finest generals, Aster Phoenix. 

"Yuri?" Aster's eyes scan over to him.

"It is Mr. Phoenix and I am here to settle the score." Yuri replies.

"About what? We're on the same side. We beat Zarc." 

"I'm talking about before Zarc. You said you could beat me  in a duel, I want you to put your cards where your mouth is!" Yuri activates his duel disk.

"Yuri come on! This isn't the time to settle old scores right now. We need to wake up Yuya!" Yuto says.

"Maybe dueling will wake his brain up Yuto. Plus I want to try these presents that Zarc left us." Yuri replies.

"Tread carefully, Zarc left us a message to not get super frustrated." Yugo says.

"Will do, now Aster are we going to duel?" Yuri asks.

"Why not, I got nowhere to be for another period." Aster activates his duel disk.

"Don't worry this will be quick so you can teach your class."" 


Aster: (4000 LP)

Yuri: (4000 LP) 

Aster: (Draw) I will start off with Polymerization! I fuse Destiny Hero Drilldark and Destiny Hero Celestial in my hand to Fusion summon Destiny Hero Dangerous! (Atk: 2000) I set two cards face down and call it a turn.

Yuri: You say you're capable of beating ME and your first move is that? Pathetic. (Draw) 

Yugo: Man Yuri has an ego. 

Yuto: Keep a close eye on Yuya in case he wakes up.

Yugo: Yes sir!

Yuri: I will also play Polymerization to fuse Predaplant Moray Nepenthes and Predaplant Flytrap to Fusion summon something toxic, appear Starving Venom Fusion Dragon! (Atk: 2800) 

Aster: There it is.

Yuri: Yes indeed, here it is. Starving Venom now gains ATK equal to your Destiny Hero Dangerous. (Atk: 4800) And Starving Venom negates his abilities. Now Starving Venom attack! 

Aster: I use the trap D - Counter! When a Destiny Hero is targeted for an attack I can destroy the attacking monster, say goodbye to Starving Venom Fusion Dragon! 

Yuri: Agh. 

Yuto: Didn't see that coming did you Mr. Ego?

Yuri: Ah hush it Yuto. I still got one trick left. I set one card face down and summon Card Car D. His ability allows me to tribute him to draw two cards. Now I have to automatically end my turn.

Aster: (Draw) I activate the spell Fusion Recovery to return Polymerization and my Drilldark to my hand. Now I will use my Polymerization to fuse Drilldark and and Destiny Hero Decider in my hand to Fusion summon Destiny Hero Dystopia! (Atk: 2800) And now the first part of Dystopia's ability! You will now take damage equal to Destiny Hero Celestial's ATK in the graveyard! 

Yuri: Agh. (2400 LP) 

Aster: And you're wide open Yuri! Dystopia attack Yuri directly!

Yuri: I activate the trap Venom Drench. This activates when Starving Venom Fusion Dragon is in my graveyard. I can now summon a Fusion monster from the Extra Deck with the same level as Starving Venom Fusion Dragon. I special summon Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom! (Atk: 2800) 

Aster: Supreme King!?

Yuri: Yes! 

Yuri's eyes begin to glow.

Yuto: Yuri chill out, we need to be able to control it.

Yuri: You're right Yuto. (The glow begins to fade) Supreme King Starving Venom mimic's the abilities of Dystopia! 

Aster: You're kidding!

Yuri: I never kid.

Yuri rolls over to a side of the duel field and swipes an Action Card. 

Yuri: I use the Action Spell High Dive to increase Starving Venom by 1000 ATK. (Atk: 3800) And since his attack points changed, thanks to Dystopia's ability I can destroy one monster you have! I destroy your Dystopia! But then Supreme King Starving Venom's ATK returns to normal. (Atk: 2800)

Aster: Agh Dystopia! I end my turn Yuri.

Yuri: That's right you do! (Draw) Ah yes, I activate the spell Monster Reborn! I revive from the graveyard Starving Venom Fusion Dragon! (Atk: 2800) Now Starving Venom gains the 2000 ATK from Destiny Hero Dangerous! (Atk: 4800) Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom destroy Aster's Dangerous!

Aster: Agh! (3200 LP)

Yuri: Starving Venom Fusion Dragon end this duel, attack!

Aster: Gah! (0 LP) 

"Nice." Yuto says.

"Yuto! Yuri! Yuya's beginning to gain consciousness." Yugo shouts.

"Good duel Aster." Yuri smiles.

"I guess I can't beat you after all Yuri." Aster replies.

"That's correct, never forget it." Yuri laughs, "Well it's time for me to go." Yuri turns around and exits the duel field with Aster remaining in the duel arena. 

Yuri enters one of the male bathrooms and sits in one of the stalls. He closes his eyes and his consciousness goes inside their mind with the other Yuya doppelgangers.  

"Yuya!" Yuri says.

"Hey guys, what did I miss?" Yuya's eyes remain heavy.

"We fought Zarc and won Yuya! Now we got his strength in our decks to beat Slade and Leo." Yugo says.

"Slade..." Yuya shivers.

"Yeah that duel sent you into some shock Yuya, after getting pulverized by Exodius." Yuto says.

"Well then we will sub in for Yuya because we can't wait forever to beat Leo." Yuri says.

"Yuri has a fair point. What do we do next?" Yugo asks.

"We need to return and beat Slade to stop the Professor. I will need all of your help to beat him though." Yuya says.

"We're all in this together Yuya." Yuto nods.

"Right. Leo is going to regret messing with us!" Yugo cheers.

Yuya takes over control of his body again, his appearance returned and he leaves the bathroom stall, making his way back to Leo Akaba's laboratory. 

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