~ Instructions ~

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Lemons/smut: No
Oliver and you (I'm assuming) are underage just pls *hands you a bible*

Yeeeeeeee finally an Oliver x Reader book of my own

I've thought of this for quite a while and thought of quite a few ideas for this book that I'll be updating on ((hopefully)) soon.

I'll be updating this whenever my ideas on my Near x Reader is running dry. So basically, if you like both of them ((looks around, no one agrees)) you get a plus,,, I guess...?

They're open, and I'll ((hopefully)) do them. No, smut or lemons are not allowed. I'll write them horribly anyway

So, when requesting you can go from as vaguely or as detailed as possible. You can fill this up or answer as many questions possible:

- Oliver's traits (Rebel? Shy? Quiet? Outgoing?)
- Reader's traits (Heartbroken? Depressed? Cheerful? Bookworm?)
- Closeness (Friends already? Just met?)
- Relationship (Vocaloid friends? Roommates? Classmates? Childhood friends?)
- Scenario (General plot?)
- Casts and their role (Flower, friend? Fukase, rival? Piko, bully? //no)
- Fluff meter (1-10)
- Fanservice meter (1-10)

Add as much information ya want, and I'll try to get it done.

i'm trying to study mom go away *continues writing fanfiction*

You can request for a different story with the same settings, for example:
Shy!Reader x Outgoing!Oliver
But you don't like the setting. So you request me to make another one, also can.

Updates rolling soon!

Whoopdee doo, Harmony signing out

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