Detroit: Become Human AU

599 15 69

Oliver's Traits: Android
Reader's Traits: None
Closeness: Friends?
Relationship: Owner-Android
Other Casts: None
Fluff Meter: 4/10
Fanservice Meter: 2/10

Aaaa I'm sorry for the lack of updates- I dunno what happened to me because I can't think of any plots.

This has been sitting in my drafts since I uploaded the Tsundere Oliver chapter.

And I'm sorry if this is badly written- because well I couldn't think of anything really.

I hope yalls enjoy, I guess-

Detroit, August 10th, 2038.

"Hello, welcome to Cyberlife stores. How can I help you?"

"I'm here to look for an android companion."

"I'm sorry, miss, but we don't sell any of those."

"Ahh... how about a housekeeper?"

"Right here, miss."

A brown-haired salesman escorted me to another section in the room. 

A specific android caught my attention. Designed to look about my age, I felt like we could be good friends. 

"This android has the ability to do all sorts of chores. It has been programmed to be able to recognise over 40 brands of dishwashers, washing machines and more, is able to greet visitors..."

I looked at it, not listening to the salesman. I didn't need any of that.

I just wanted company.

"That android looks good, can I buy that?"

That was when the salesman actually grasped a visual of me. He looked up and down, probably trying to decipher my age.

"You look young, are you sure you can afford it?"

I nodded confidently.

"This IS the cheapest model. What do I have to lose?"

"Alright, fine."

I've been saving up for quite a while. I most probably would be able to afford it.

"FX302, register your name."

I thought for a while. 

"Oliver sounds good!"

He was activated.

"Hello Oliver! That's your name." I looked at him excitedly. "Do you like it?"

The salesman made a look at me.

"Who talks to their android like that...?"

We walked out of the store and waited for the auto bus. I saw two empty seats for me and my newly bought android. I sat down.

"I'm sorry miss, androids at the back please."

I stared at the worker.

"Please, let him stay with me."

"I'm sorry miss, it just can't be done."

Not wanting to make a scene, I instructed Oliver to go to the back. He nodded and did so emotionlessly.

When we reached home, I brought Oliver back. Everyone treated their androids like slaves, but I was different. I won't do that. I would never do that.

"This is your new home! Howddaya like it?"

He said nothing; he just looked around the house.

This android wasn't built for emotional support, therefore he's less likely to stimulate emotion.

Vocaloid Oliver x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now