Studying for Exams

540 18 143

Oliver's Traits: Headcanon
Reader's Traits: None
Closeness: Best friends
Relationship: Classmates
Other Casts: Fukase, friend; Piko, friend; Flower, friend; Moke, friend.
Fluff Meter: 6/10
Fanservice Meter: 3/10

Ayy your dying gorl just did some volleyball and bruised myself full time so I couldn't write a thing lmao my geo notes aren't gon be on time teacher gon kill me

So anyway, I decided that the stress of finals was killing me so I decided to write this up for distraction.

I hOpe I stay in the first class fieciiwjfjs

Anyway, I'll be doing scenario requests from now on too! And also I won't be uploading until the 24th which is when my finals ends.

Wake me up inside pls

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy!!

"Bloody hell...!"

Oliver looked at the class notification board in shock, pointing to the piece of paper titled 《END OF YEAR EXAMINATION TIMETABLE》 that caught his attention as we both were walking out for recess.

"Finals is in less than 3 weeks!"

He looked at me, and back to the board, and back to me, and back to the board. Then, he sheltered his head with his hand.

"I'm not prepared...!

"I still have geo coursework (kerja kursus), and I haven't even touched on the first four chapters of history yet!"

While he was having his mini breakdown, Fukase came into our class.

"What's taking you lovebirds so long-" he stared at Oliver. "Oh."

Oliver stood up, looking as if he was going to cry. He held Fukase's shoulders and started shaking him rapidly.

"Fukase, HELP ME!"

"Whoa whoa whoa calm your a-" Fukase looked at me, while I gave a no-no sign to not swear. "Calm yourself Oliver. I mean if we're not ready for finals, why not study together?"

"Study... together?" Oliver's thoughts suddenly clicked.

"Yeah." Fukase elaborated. "I mean, we have some smartasses here in our form, like Moke, Flower and Piko-"

"Oi, language!" I screeched.

"So it won't be THAT hard, right?" Fukase gave Oliver jazz hands.

Oliver thought for a while. "I guess so, and I hope so?"

I finally opened my mouth to speak.

"C'mon, let's go to the canteen before the prefects screech at us for being in class during recess."

I took both of the boys by their hands and began rushing to the canteen, power walking, almost hitting the dutying prefect in the process.

Time to break the news to the smart squad.

- - - - - - - - - -

Piko almost spat out his drink.


"Okay, so lemme get this straight." Flower looked at us with a look of belwiderment. "You want us... to teach you... because we're the 'smart gang'?"

The three of us nodded, confirming it.

"Welp, that seems fine to me." Moke said beside Flower. "But the question is, when?"

"Aand, we may LOOK smart," Flower continued, "but this dude doesn't stand a chance when there's anything other than Computer Science." She pointed to Piko, who stared at Flower in shock.

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