Final Parting

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Hello everyone. I know, I know, it's been too long. I'm personally glad that people have enjoyed my works. Last year, I took a hiatus for this exam I have to do, and Wattpad stopped being a priority for me. It's been a whole year that I've been doing nothing, and I've moved on. I don't really feel like writing this book anymore, or any other books for that matter, because I've lost interest in these characters that I once held near (pun intended?) and dear to my heart.

It's probably a good thing, imagine a 16 year old having an interest in 12 year old boys; that would be really weird, won't it? Well, I know how hard it is to find any Oliver x Reader books out there (trust me, my 13 year old self knows) but I don't feel comfortable writing this book anymore. I won't delete it, in case someone wants to come back and reread them, but I won't be making any more changes to this book, or making anymore updates. I've stopped writing fanfiction, but who knows, perhaps I'll change my mind someday? I might move to the other adult characters.

I'm also rebranding. I kept my old username here, because I wrote these at a time I never want to go back to again. Not because of serious reasons, but because I refuse to read any more of what I used to write due to it being so cringey. I'm abandoning this account, and probably getting off Wattpad. I have yet to decide on a platform to actually put in stories I write, so I can't really plug anything yet, but I'll just plug my Discord if anyone wants to get into contact with me. Just say where you came from, and I'd be glad to talk.

Logging off,

Vocaloid Oliver x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now