Headcanons because I have writer's block already

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- Oliver is a  s o f t   b o i

- Very emotional, please don't hurt him

- Also, can read your emotions like a book. You cannot hide anything, resistance is futile.

- Can and will help you through difficult situations

- Very weak at fighting though.

- Hufflepuff

- A choir boy. He joins just about any choir society he can

- A dedicated choir boy at that

- He gets kinda mad at the people who don't show up for rehearsals or aren't willing to practice

- I'm pretty sure he dreams of being casted for a musical

- Gets easily excited for stuff. It's adorable when good news happen to him and he just squeals around

- Will find an excuse to do something with his crush. e.g "I don't know how to change my bandages :c can you do it for me"

- Loves children, will die to babysit someone

- "James isn't my pet, he's my best friend"

- Fukase complements his personality by being a shameless, outspoken person, which cancels out Oliver's shy personality, and yet Oliver's discipline holds back Fukase from doing too many over-the-hook things

Requests are always open! Gentle reminder.

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