Detroit: Become Human AU [2]

369 14 22

Oliver's Traits: Android
Reader's Traits: None
Closeness: Friends?
Relationship: Owner-Android
Other Casts: None
Fluff Meter: 6/10
Fanservice Meter: 1/10

I'm aLIVE, and I'm here to complete the story of the DBH AU I keep talking about :')

I'm really too lazy to write anymore author's notes so yeh.


"FBI, open up!" the police yelled at (y/n)'s house. "We have suspected the act of smuggling and hiding androids inside this very house. Open up now or we will force our way in!"

They've been knocking for 10 minutes straight. No answer.

They were freezing under the cold of the snow as winter was arriving. They just wanted to get the job done quickly so they could drink coffee next to their nice, warm fireplace.

"Little bastards. They're probably hiding under their floorboards like they probably did last time. Let's bust open their floorboards to teach them a lesson!"

They tried kicking the door down first, but to no avail.

In the end, they did it by repeatedly kicking the door like the ruffians that they were.

"Now," one of them spoke. "Where are the little scumbags now?"

"I think they're here," another pointed at the slightly broken floorboards.

The police tore open the floorboards with full force, and...

It lead to a basement.

A man, presumably a police leader, ordered a few of his troops to inspect the basement that apparently had no doors leading to it.

Which begs the question whether it was even a basement at all.

But it had stairs leading to it so.

The leader of the troops sent his other colleagues to search the entire house, which was easy, given by the size of it.

But they all came down with no answer or evidence.

Upon further inspection and ordering, the troop of police who went inside came out empty-handed.

"Nothing, apart from this."

The police in front presented a small piece of metal. It was partially burnt, but not enough to have caused damage. The shape was still distinct, and it looked like... parts of an Android.


"Quick, Oliver!" I screamed in the thick blizzard that somehow hit the both of us outside. It was freezing cold... but we couldn't afford to stop now, we'd die.

The blonde android was trying his best to walk through the thick snow that was surrounding us, but he was cold too. I gave him my magenta scarf, and wrapped it around his body, hoping his system could do the heating work for me.

It was quite thick and long, so it could fit his entire body just by wrapping it around him like a python.

As for me, though, I was turning colder and colder by the minute.

"O-Oliver-" I stuttered out of cold. "D-do you know-w where we're g-going?"

"I know somewhere, I've heard lots of Androids talk about her- she's quite nice..."

I just noticed that his voice, expression and action felt more human now, unlike when I first got him.

He was sort of like Siri when I bought him, but now he's showing much more emotion.

Vocaloid Oliver x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now