Shy!Oliver, Cheerful!Reader

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Oliver's Traits: Shy
Reader's Traits: Cheerful
Closeness: Just Met
Relationship: Classmates
Other Casts:
Fluff Meter: 10/10
Fanservice Meter: 8/10


So this was requested by Panda_chan12

I've never actually written or thought of a Just Met oneshot oh my--

So this is one of my first "just met" oneshots


I was ironing my uniform for the first day of form 2 tomorrow when my phone started ringing. I picked it up and a familiar voice started screaming in my ear. Flower.

"Hey (y/n) have you heard?! The class streaming has been announced earlier today. I'm joining your class!!"

I jumped with joy. My best friend, Flower, was going to be in the same class as me for this year. I studied quite well and already know Flower was going to be in the first class. Did that mean that I got into the first class too?!

I struggled to stay asleep that night as excitement surrounded my mind. I was streamed into the first class of our form...! With Flower...! I can already tell that this year was going to be amazing.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

My anxiety grew as I approached my new classroom.

2 Arif.

Before I had any chance of looking for a place to sit, I was suffocated as a group of my past year classmates hugged me to death.

"(y/n)!! Congrats on getting into the first class!"

"Thanks! You guys too."

After we pulled out of the hug, I noticed that in contrary to my old class whos table arrangement was in a  parliament style, this class had an arrangement of two-by-two.

Flower called my name. She pointed to a place for me to her left for me to sit in. On her right was Piko, who was her classmate last year too. As I sat down, I can't help but notice the person on my left.

He looked slightly taller than me. He had blonde hair that matched his right eye. His left eye was covered in bandages, and so were his arms. He wore the usual boys' uniform, a button-up shirt with dark green pants.

He was looking at me before, but when I looked at him, he quickly adverted his gaze facing towards the window with a red face.

"Hello!" I greeted the boy. "I'm (y/n). What's your name?"

He blushed and answered me with a British accent. "Oliver, my name is Oliver."

As his words progessed his tone softened and by the end of the sentence softened down to a whisper.

We were distracted by the ring of a school bell, it was assembly and everyone scrambled down to the hall.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Okay class, for the first day of school we will be learning about subtopic 1.1, Diversity of Organisms. Refer to textbook page 4! What is biodiversity?"

Our new science teacher went on explaining about the meaning and importance of biodiversity, every word seemed clear to me and she explained it in a very fun way, I like this teacher already!

Oliver, on the other hand, scrambled around and tried to take notes and understand, but failed. He was having trouble understanding but during QnA sessions with the teacher he was too shy to put up his hand and ask.

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