Birthday Special

746 17 181

Oliver's Traits: Headcanon
Reader's Traits: Shy-ish
Closeness: In a relationship :0
Relationship: Classmates
Other Casts:
- Flower (major role)
- Fukase (major role)
- Piko (major role)
- Your mother (minor role)
- Your sister (minor role)
- Gumi (minor role)
Fluff Meter: 6/10
Fanservice Meter: 4/10

After accidentally publishing this chapter I went to sleep. It's now 6am in the morning and I shall update my author's note if I can.

Happy birthday to me uwu

I made a wish that I would get a vocaloid what is wrong with me

I hope you guys enjoy because I did writing this chapter uwu

"(y/n), it's time to get ready for school!"


My mother tried to wake me up for school as usual. Half asleep, I got up from my bed of three people, and walked straight to the bathroom.

After locking the doors on both sides of my bathroom, I showered and brushed my teeth. I then changed to my uniform and put bobby pins onto my hair.

After coming out to usher my sister into the bathroom my mother wished me. "Happy birthday!"

I was overjoyed. "Thank you mom!"

After breakfast, as usual, I got out of my home and locked the door. I used to follow my mother and sister to school but my sister kept causing me to be late to school, so I would ride the LRT alone.

When I reached school, I sat down on one of my usual spots in the canteen and waited for Flower to arrive.

Dozing off, I began to daydream about some things that were in my mind as I watched the other students take their seats at the canteen, waiting for 7am.

I felt a thud on my table as I snapped out of my daze and saw Flower hug me from the front.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Y/N)!!" She pulled out a card. "I made this for you."

"Happy Birthday!" the cover wrote. I opened it from bottom to top. "You are blessed with a drawing of the memesquad."

The bottom was a vague illustration of Oliver, Fukase, Flower, Piko and I posing an 'interesting' pose. On my head was a hat with 'birthday hoe' written onto it.

I smiled and laughed as Flower was dissecting 'who was doing what'. I was truly touched about it. Although it didn't seem much, it still meant a lot.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Guys, please go to your class."


We were on our way to class when I heard footsteps behind. I thought nothing of it as sometimes prefects run to carry out theiry duty.

Suddenly it hit me.

Not the thought, but the thing.

"Happy birthday (y/n)!!"

A voice with a British accent rang through my ears, while a hug came from behind me.

I turned around to see Oliver and Fukase who followed him.

"Hey (y/n)." Fukase waved at me. "Happy birthday."

I was so happy, I stretched out my hands for a group hug between us four.

That hug attracted attention.

"Today's your birthday?!" Gumi's head popped out of my class door.

Vocaloid Oliver x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now